sobota, 29. června 2024, 07.07
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FOOD

cakes and ale

veselost, radost; veselý život, radost ze života;veselka

So supposing you never marry, and if you go on being so fussy you probably never will -- are there to be no cakes and ale? BNC

sponge cake

piškotový dort, piškotová bábovka

Such an ambitious Tuscan confection surely deserves a cakestand, assembled as it is on a noble pedestal of rock, its buildings (mixed plain and fancy) composed of that porous tufa which looks much like sponge cake and which comes in all the golds, pinks, browns and mauves of the best Battenberg. BNC

From our list we would choose to put a cross against sugar, chocolate, biscuits, sponge cake, and mints. BNC

For example, you might choose to bake a low-sugar sponge cake. BNC

layer cake

dort s krémem, též přeneseně 

Miss Pinkney's was a chocolate layer cake with cherries, angelica leaves, and pink sugar roses on it. BNC

For a party, a layer cake can be iced and decorated to fit the occasion, or according to your political persuasion. BNC

In place of the "layer cake" of eight allied army corps lined up along what used to be West Germany's eastern border, there will be maybe half as many. BNC

free-range eggs

vajíčka od slepic z volného výběhu

A perfect way to serve them is in a tart of shortcrust pastry, mixed with three or four free-range eggs and plenty of sugar, and baked for half an hour or so in a medium-hot oven. BNC

The whole notion of quality food production is an interesting one; most British food, however it is produced, is of good quality, but the discussion was really about supplying minority, specialist middle-class markets with farm-smoked ham, semi-organic milling wheat, free-range eggs, and so on. BNC

There is a growing premium market for free-range eggs and table birds which can provide a profitable enterprise for an expert small-scale poultry man. BNC

the fat is in the fire

je oheň na steše, teď půjde do tuhého, to bude mela

The fat's in the fire now. Jim has just told his wife that he has taken a job in another town without mentioning it to her first. (Oxford Idioms)

cut up fat

umřít jako boháč, nechat po sobě majlant

a fat lot of good/help/use

k ničemu, houby to pomůže

A fat lot of use that would be! What a stupid idea. Oxford Idioms

The only thing he could think of was he was a good swimmer--and a fat lot of good that was to him. BNC

Frederick Bissett was a member of the Institute of Professional Scientists, and a fat lot of good that did him. BNC

milk/suck sb/sth dry

někoho úplně vysát

It was only later that we found out he'd milked his grandmother dry of all her money before she died. (Oxford Idioms)

(a) fat chance (of sth/doing sth)

nulová šance, prakticky žádná naděje

He said he'd give me a job if I passed my exam with a grade A. A fat chance I have of that! Oxford Idioms

Fat chance of us running into any crumpet out here! BNC

Right now, though, these fine sentiments have got a fat chance of being put into practice where I'm standing, boiling the milk for yet more midnight cocoa: with a baby of six weeks in the family, the philosophy of parental detachment is a far cry from reality. BNC

milk float

mlékárenský vůz

At the gatehouse the milk float arrives with the daily delivery and Tim Tyier, the milkman who has served the Centre for many years, starts his rounds. BNC

Yesterday, French farmers were joined by others from Spain, Belgium and Germany marching through Strasbourg behind a milk float loaded with vegetables, milk and wine to a football stadium rally. BNC

The aggressive promotion of milk sales by the supermarket giants such as Sainsbury, Tesco, Asda and Safeway, has already rocked the milk float, traditionally the most profitable side of the business for both farmers and dairy groups. BNC 

certified milk

pasterizované mléko

whole milk

plnotučné mléko

Pastries, puddings cakes and sauces made with whole milk. BNC

If you sell farm butter and cheese instead of whole milk you can do well if you have the right market. BNC

Cottage or other low-fat cheese can be substituted for full-fat cheese; skimmed and semi-skimmed milk for whole milk. BNC

breast milk

mateřské mléko

It is at Labour conferences that you get the sweet nuttiness of Baby Milk Action, which proclaims, "Breast Milk: a World Resource," and tells you, as a fact, that it would take 114 million lactating cows to replace the milk of the women of India. BNC

Her organisation is preparing a complaint about a Boots advertisement for Ostermilk featuring a bra with two Ostermilk tins inside, which claims: "Any closer to breast milk and we would have to change the packaging." BNC

A mother supplies her baby with the purest of all food, i.e. her breast milk. BNC

milk the audience

hrát na aplaus, přehrávat

milk the ram/the bull/the pigeon

mámit tele z jalové krávy

Gazing down from his plinth in Lichfield, you could almost hear Dr Johnson muttering: "Socialism, Sir, is a cow, which will yield such people no more milk--and so they are gone to milk the bull". BNC