sobota, 29. června 2024, 17.38
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FOOD

dairy products

mlékárenské výrobky, mléčné podukty

Elsewhere in the town other RAOC victuallers from the Ration Platoon are collecting the order for dry goods and dairy products. BNC

But the piling-up of EC surpluses of beef, dairy products and cereals could -- up to a point. BNC

The ministry confirmed high levels of dioxin in the milk following tests carried out in March, and said some of the dairy products entered the food chain but there had been no public health risk. BNC

sheep's cheese dairy


dairy factory

továrna na mléčné výrobky

dairy farm

hospodářství věnující se mlékárnské výrobě

It is thought to be the largest British dairy farm to go green, and the conversion -- for deeply held environmental reasons -- is backed by sound economic logic. BNC

These 1400 Mule ewes were being moved back after dipping on D K Farms, West Wycombe, an 800ha (2000-acre) sheep and dairy farm. BNC

It's now run as a dairy farm with a herd of 16 Ayrshires -- the second-best in Staffordshire, says Derrick Golland the country's advisory teacher on environmental subjects. BNC

dairy butter

mlékárenské máslo

dairy cattle

dojnice, mléčný skot

Apart from the strain on accommodation and feed stocks, having to keep dairy cattle on instead of selling them as planned means exceeding milk quota, possibly at great cost. BNC

Selection for resistance to mastitis and good fertility at the same time as selection for milk yield and quality is proving effective in the dairy cattle population of Norway. BNC

Here's your chance to see some of the best dairy cattle in the world while taking in the sights on our coast-to-coast autumn tour of the USA. BNC

there's no such thing as free lunch

bez práce nejsou koláče, zadarmo ani kuře nehrabe

I think you should be very careful about accepting his help. Remember, there's no such thing as a free lunch. (Oxford Idioms)

dairy bar

mléčný bar, mléčná jídelna

luncheon voucher

poukázka na oběd, stravenka

I believe the luncheon voucher approach is misguided. BNC

The Luncheon Voucher trophy goes to Mrs Cynthia Payne for the card she has sent to, among others, Jean Rook, the First Lady of Fleet Street. BNC

The Luncheon Voucher trophy goes to Mrs Cynthia Payne for the card she has sent to, among others, Jean Rook, the First Lady of Fleet Street. BNC

lunch hour

hodina na oběd, přestávka na oběd

I returned the folders to Mellowes during the lunch hour with a note explaining that union instructions prevented my undertaking the work. BNC

Walk for fifteen minutes each lunch hour. BNC

The lunch hour is like a time warp--give or take a few price increases. BNC

have (got) enough, a lot, etc. on your plate

nabrat si toho moc, mít plné ruce práce

I can't help you next week, I've got too much on my plate. (Oxford Idioms)

dairy lunch

mléčná jídelna

out to lunch

bláznivý, potrhlý, nechápavý; společensky nepřijatelný

plate lunch

jídlo z jednoho talíře

plates of meat

jedenáctky nohy