sobota, 29. června 2024, 17.38
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FOOD

fine/a nice/a pretty kettle of fish

pěkná kaše, pěkné nadělení, pěkný nepořádek, pořádný zmatek

That'll be a fine kettle of fish and no mistake. BNC

Then, as if to herself: "This is a fine kettle of fish, a fine to-do I don't know." BNC 

(in) deep water

být v tom až po krk, být v nesnázích, být v rozpacích

She was getting into deep water when she tried to argue that murder is sometimes justified fo political reasons. (Oxford Idioms)

demon drink


It was the demon drink that made me act in that way. (Oxford Idioms)

one man's meat is another man's poison

co jednomu prospívá, jinému škodí

Some people love his music; others hate it. One man's meat is another man's poison.

drink and meat to sb

úplná rozkoš pro někoho

meat and potatoes

grunt, to nejdůležitější, to hlavní, základ

Satanic and necrophiliac obsessions, the meat and potatoes of death-metal, don't so much take a back seat as miss the bus altogether thankfully. BNC

say grace before/after meat

modlit se před/po jídle

Another good way is to say grace before meals, which is another way of appreciating what we are about to consume. BNC

Mother said that Aunt Bessie was fond of telling one story about Thomas Isaac, recalling the occasion when he was asked to say grace before breakfast one morning and steadfastly refused although commanded several times by his father. BNC

full as an egg is of meat

úplně plný, plný až po okraj

sugar daddy

kořen, paprika, starší muž vydržující si mladší ženu

When you tell him that he's a sugar daddy, he gets very angry. He says she isn't interested in his money, only in him. (Oxford Idioms)

butcher's meat

výsekové maso

meat of a nut


As all the meat of a nut is packed into the shell, so the whole pith of the Swami's lecture against us is compressed into the handbill above mentioned. WebCorp 

An old method of hiding scratches is to rub the meat of a nut, like a pecan or walnut, over the scratch. WebCorp

To look to such earthly ordinances now in view of Christ's historic appearance and work is to look for the meat of a nut in an empty shell. WebCorp

not be sb's cup of tea

nic pro mne, to mi nesedí, to nemám ráda

He invited me to the opera but it's not really my cup of tea. (Oxford Idioms)

(like) a curate's egg (good in parts)

má to svoje mouchy

"Is it an interesting book?" "A bit like the curate's egg, good in parts. The dialogue's often quite amusing. (Oxford Idioms)

cut the mustard

překonat se

I didn't cut the mustard as a hockey player. (Oxford Idioms)

cream of the crop

smetánka, to nejlepší

Only the cream of the crop of the year's movies are nominated for an award. (Oxford Idioms)