neděle, 30. června 2024, 12.33
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FOOD

chickens come home to roost

nic nezůstane bez trestu, špatné skutky se jednou vymstí

For years he avoided paying tax. But now his chickens have come home to roost and he's got a tax bill of 25 000 pounds. (Oxford Idioms)

(go) cold turkey

absťák; přestat fetovat; otevřená, nepřikrášlená věc, neomalenost

The worst time was when he was going cold turkey. (Oxford Idioms)

wake up and smell the coffee

konečně otevřít oči, konečně se probudit

It's time to wake up and smell the coffee: you're not going to pass this course unless you start working harder. (Oxford Idioms)

cook sb's goose

zničit nečí šance, zmařit něčí plány

He thought that the police would never find him but when he saw the officer coming towards him he realized that his goose was finally cooked. (Oxford Idioms)

cook the books

falšovat např. podklady, účetnictví, manipulovat s daty

The two directors of the company had been cooking the books, a local court herd yeasterday. (Oxford Idioms)

tough cookie/customer

člověk s kterým nejsou žádný žerty, neurvalec, rabiják

Self-confident, ambitious and positive, Paula is a tough cookie who is bound to do well. (Oxford Idioms)

that's the way the cookie crumbles

tak to na světě chodí, tak už to je

She met somebody else and left me. That's the way the cookie crumbles, I suppose. (Oxford Idioms)

smart cookie

pěkné kvítko, chytrý člověk

Jed is one smart cookie. I'm sure he'll do the right thing. (Oxford Idioms)

couch potato

povaleč, lenoch

He claims he had to develop such a style for his latest role, as the couch potato host of TV Hell , last month's one-night-stand featuring some of the classically bad moments of popular television. BNC

The last thing I want to do is to share a place with a couch potato. BNC

It is no good you being a couch potato and having a Dobermann, only to wonder why it seems so frustrated with its existence. BNC

what's cooking

co se bude dít? co se chystá?

What's cooking in here? You all look very guilty. (Oxford Idioms)

cookin with gas

vést si znamenitě, senzačně

Business may have been a little slow at first, but now we're cooking with gas! (Oxford Idioms) 

it's no good/use crying over spilt milk

nemá smysl plakat nad rozlitým mlékem

His decision to resign was disappointing, but it's no use crying over spilt milk. We need to concentrate on finding someone to replace him. (Oxford Idioms)

cream of the crop

smetánka, to nejlepší

Only the cream of the crop of the year's movies are nominated for an award. (Oxford Idioms) 

cut the mustard

překonat se

I didn't cut the mustard as a hockey player. (Oxford Idioms)

(like) a curate's egg (good in parts)

má to svoje mouchy

"Is it an interesting book?" "A bit like the curate's egg, good in parts. The dialogue's often quite amusing. (Oxford Idioms)