There’s definitely money to be made by running an Outward Bound course. All you have to do is grow a beard and look rugged, take a bunch of gullible kids from good homes, make their parents pay through the nose to let them sleep in bunks and eat beans, and then pretend that mundane things are difficult or unusual.
Classes were no longer in the afternoon and evening, after work. They were work, and the students, who were paying through the nose for them, were grim, resentful and bloody-minded.
The only work I could find was with Clive’s main sharp-end competitor, a school offering short courses to businessmen on company accounts. They paid through the nose for one-to-one intensive tuition from qualified experts supported by sophisticated resources incorporating the latest technology.
Amazingly, though, foreign tycoons pay through the nose to hear Lady Thatcher spout her economic theories - even though, back home, businesses and homeowners are still suffering because of them.