a) kopnout do míče/vykopnout míč, kopnutí do míče/vykopnutí míče (ihned po jeho odrazu ze země)
(např. brankář ve fotbale, nebo hráč ragby - vykopne jím hozený míč ihned poté, co se odrazí od země)
b) úder oběma nohama (při výskoku) (např. wrestling či karate)
Mind you, Henry might argue that the goal he had disallowed - when he cheekily nicked the ball away from Brad Friedel as the Blackburn keeper prepared to drop kick the ball upfield - should have stood and, having seen endless re-runs of the incident, I can't for the life of me see why the referee penalised the Frenchman for a foul. Google
You might have thought, for instance, that financial considerations played little or no part in the spectacle of Jonny Wilkinson's World Cup-winning drop kick. Google
Saturn gets the feet up to knock Bull away then hits a dropkick. Google