make eyes at somebody

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And when the vet came to take out Little Chef’s stitches, it was Ricky who held the wildly trembling dog in his arms. Any visiting player who was foolish enough to make eyes at Perdita, or disparaging cracks about Little Chef’s appearance, got very short shrift. By the beginning of August Ricky’s arm was so much better that he was able gently to stick and ball.

Can I come too? asked Tristan, playing his part. To make eyes at Miss Adeane? enquired Gemma, playing hers. Oh, absolutely not, my darling. Since it is Miss Ernestine Baker who has my heart.

It was a strange day outside. The wind was moving everything along like a nervous policeman. A drunk and disorderly can clattered on a grating. Torn Sunday colour supplements made eyes at her from the railings.