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horse trading

náročné vyjednávání

  1. He gets a bigger say in trade policy, implying there is plenty of political horse trading ahead. (COCA)
  2. The political horse trading has already begun with major party leaders meeting last night to lobby for their respective goals. (COCA)
  3. Analysts say there could be quite a bit of horse trading and even more bickering before the makeup of the Lebanese parliament. (COCA)


in the wild

v divočině; ve volné přírodě

In the wild, these lowly horses are the least likely to survive. BNC

The babies could never survive in the wild without the protection of the herd and without fresh milk. COCA

By now, thriving in the wild, they have reached the delta of the Mississippi. Times


kill the goose that lays the golden egg

zničit něco velmi výnosného

  1. " Tourism is still not the perfect economy, but compared to mineral extraction, it is very stable, " she says. Oil and gas " will kill the goose that lays the golden egg for this town. " (COCA)
  2. But there's not going to be any grabbing of houses and land and hopeless system of taxation which will kill the goose that lays the golden egg. (COCA)
  3. This project will definitely kill the goose that lays the golden egg. (COCA)

kill two birds with one stone

zabít dvě mouchy jednou ranou

  1. I knew I needed to visit him, and figured I could kill two birds with one stone since I received the notice for the reunion around the same time. (COCA)
  2. It has occurred to me that I might kill two birds with one stone by writing directly to Miss Galvin. (COCA)
  3. I was hoping to heal the wound and to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. (COCA)


land a fish

chytit rybu a dopravit ji na břeh

This was the "first attempt to land a fish" and he went on to say that he awaited the reply with interest. BNC

One pair of hands isn't enough to land a fish this strong. COCA

"When I land a fish," he says, "I let loose." Times

lay eggs

klást vejce

How often do ducks lay eggs? BNC

If his chickens got lice, they wouldn't lay egg. COCA

Nazi bombers can more easily than ever lay eggs of death in Swedish cities. Times

lay the ground

položit základy

  1. Several hundred U.S. Marines are charged with securing key facilities in Haiti to lay the ground for an international stabilization force. (COCA)
  2. It creates the opportunity for these countries to assess obstacles to their development and lay the ground for high-quality growth in the future. (COCA)
  3. Such increased economic interdependence may lay the ground for more cooperative and accomodationist policies. (COCA)

legless lizard

beznohá ještěrka

Photograph A: small European legless lizard called the slow worm. COCA

Researchers discovered a legless lizard and a tiny woodpecker along with 12 other suspected new species in Brazil's Cerrado. Google

This legless lizard of the genus Bachia is about 15-20 centimetres long and is related to Australian and European species. Google

leopard cannot change its spots

starého psa novým kouskům nenaučíš

  1. Despite assertions by the Texas Department of Transportation that the Trans Texas Corridor is "dead," the fact is a leopard cannot change its spots. (Google)
  2. A leopard can't change its spots, and neither can an ugly duckling. (Google)
  3. A leopard can't change his spots, however, he can mix up the look by mauling the shit out of a puma and wearing it as a jaunty windbreaker. (Google)

lie in wait for

číhat, čekat, být na čekané na ...

It was only when nine bottles disappeared in one morning that he decided to lie in wait for the thief. BNC

Before this happens, the person may lie in wait for days, months, or years to be buried. COCA

Jap snipers lie in wait for the man who issues commands. Times

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