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safe as houses

velice bezpečný

This plan is as safe as houses. It can't fail! (Google)

The ugly ones are as safe as houses, aren't they, Jenny? And the speaker turned to one who was certainly not beautiful. (BNC)

Renting is as safe as houses. (BNC)

safe as houses - velice bezpečný

1. Investments in properties will one day become as safe as houses again. (Google)

2. Your data online: safe as houses. (Google)

3. Claims that these investments were as safe as houses turned out to be too good to be true. (Google)

security chain

bezpečnostní řetěz

A patio door could be the weak link in your domestic security chain. (BNC)

The door opened, a few inches only, the limit of a security chain. (BNC)

A windy night, isn't it?'; he says --; which is self-evident as you shiver, peering at him past the security chain on the door while struggling to keep yourself decent. (BNC)

set the alarm clock - nastavit budík

1. Ritualistically, I set the alarm clocks. The battered, mechanical clock next to my pillow. (Google)

2. Here's how to set the alarm clock on your phone. (Google)

3. Every night before I go to sleep I set the alarm clock to 6 am. (Google)

sheets and blankets

ložní prádlo

Sheets and blankets are continuous sleeves, threaded through the cleaning head. (BNC)

Alida began to think about where she might go, as she piled sheets and blankets on to the floor. (BNC)

Try going back to sheets and blankets after sleeping under a duvet and you'll probably agree! (BNC)

shopping district

nákupní zóna

This street would not look out of place in London's most fashionable shopping district. (BNC)

On 24 May, 100,000 people marched through the Causeway Bay shopping district. (BNC)

The riverside section of Pest opposite Castle Hill is the city's main shopping district. (BNC)

shower curtain

závěs u sprchy

I pulled back the shower curtain, exposing her fully. (BNC)

There was a shadow on the shower curtain, a human-shape holding something in an upraised arm. (BNC)

The dummy was still propped over the desk, the shower curtain drawn. (BNC)

sit on the fence - sedět jedním zadkem na dvou židlích / nemoct se rozhodnout

1. Don't panic on financing, but don't sit on the fence either! (Google)

2. Many people are just sitting on the fence out there waiting, pondering, doodling and noodling about whether or not to buy a home. (Google)

3. The best strategy then, in my view, is to sit on the fence and adopt a 'wait and see' approach for at least the first few holes. (Google)

sitting room/living room - obývací pokoj

1. Which one do you prefer? Playing poker over the internet or playing with a set of friends in your sitting room. (Google)

2. Lady Ranfurly's sitting room was a typically busy-looking Victorian interior, crowded with pictures, ornaments and flowers. (Google)

3. As the toddler sleeps in the middle of the sitting room floor, I remember the electronics we had as a kid. (Google)

slam the door

prásknout dveřmi

He stepped from the car and turned to slam the door. (BNC)

He managed to slam the door before the obese Gloriana, one of his five cats, escaped in search of a mate. (BNC)

Manville saw the passenger jump out of the car and slam the door. (BNC)

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