ujistit se, že započaté dílo pokračuje jak má a podpořit ho
The company had started the work with the money they had obtained privately but the government lent them some more to keep the pot boiling . (Longman)
I mean, what we're trying to do in the visual arts is to spend what limited money we have to produce a better situation for the visual artist and for the public who gets pleasure and enlightenment from visual arts than exists at the moment, so rather than just prop up the status quo, which is what is would be very easy to do if one just kept the pot boiling so to speak by giving a few grants to artists here and sitting at the centre of a spider's web in Tunbridge Wells waiting for applications to come in to us and then responding. BNC
After all, any launch of any new car is always kept hush hush to keep the kettle boiling and maintain peoples interest. WebCorp