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salt plains

solné pláně

The absolute white and flat of the evaporated salt plains takes ordinary vastness to the level of the conceptual. COCA

These white-tailed deer do some people-watching on the Salt Plains. COCA

Top Gear presenters who drove cars over fragile salt plains have “undermined the whole tourism industry” in the area. Google

salt water

slaná voda

And once plugged, the wells are often ruined by salt water seepage. Times

Cook the spaghetti in boiling salt water until just. BNC

Salt water streamed down her face as she gasped air. COCA

salty dog

mořský vlk

  1. These folks want a captain who's a bit of a salty dog but not a raving, peg-legged Ahab Davis was perfect. (COCA)
  2. Salty dogs were sitting around the table and laughing heavily. (COCA)
  3. This man, a salty dog, has been to all continents. (COCA)

sandy beaches

písčité pláže

Close by are 70 miles of white, sandy beaches. BNC

Where were the sandy beaches? Where was the scent of cinnamon? COCA

His coral cuts, his sandy beaches are alive with stinging sand flies. Times

sandy dunes

písčité duny

I found the site but only the snails were visible in the sandy dunes at the edge of the golf course. BNC

The peace and serenity of the green countryside and sandy dunes seemed almost a lifetime away from her present existence. BNC

It's a cedar-shingled cottage built high on white sandy dunes. COCA

sausage dog


Out on the pavement, an elderly woman with a small sausage dog gave him a filthy look. BNC

He turned the corner into the square, where he saw Sid the Sausage Dog. COCA

Forget pit bulls, rottweilers and Rhodesian ridgebacks, it's the sausage dog that's the most aggressive breed.

seed of doubt

sémě pochybnosti

  1. I think when this one happened, it put that little seed of doubt in the back of our minds. (COCA)
  2. And then, once the seed of doubt was sown, and because they needed to know, they parted uncomplainingly. (COCA)
  3. Ray's cryptic comment planted a seed of doubt, and many others followed. (COCA)

separate the sheep from the goats

oddělit zrno od plev

  1. A stiff spring gale is just the ticket to separate the sheep from the goats. (COCA)
  2. You have to do a lot of work to separate the sheep from the goats. (COCA)
  3. It is because their real purpose is to separate the sheep from the goats, the anointed from the benighted. (COCA)

shallow water

mělká voda, mělčina

Then he picked up a rock from the shallow water at the edge of the pool and threw it out into the middle. BNC

Diving into shallow water can lead to serious injury. COCA

The infants are allowed to play in shallow water while expert riflemen watch from concealment nearby. Times

sharp claws

ostré drápy

Lizards and geckos are equipped with sharp claws and gripping toe pads to help them cling on after making a crash landing on a tree. BNC

It uses its sharp claws to rip the nest open. COCA

Those mournful eyes! Those hairy ears! Those sharp claws and lips stained with eucalyptus leaves! Times

shedding employees

zbavování se zaměstnanců

  1. The legacy carriers cut costs by shedding employees and slashing pay and benefits for their remaining workers. (COCA)
  2. Most are already in the process of shedding employees as they mechanize, computerize and in general try to become more competitive. (COCA)
  3. Airlines are cutting US flights, shedding employees, putting off plane orders and even talking about combinations. (Google)



Stepson, a short-haired cat of some unaccountable breed, jumps up beside me on the seat. BNC

In the mid-' 60s he was a short-haired, fast-talking comedian who influenced a generation of stand-ups. Times

On the stage, the short-haired woman in the pantsuit nodded and pulled the mic to her lips. COCA

silence at night

ticho v noci

Madame Tammy needed complete silence at night so she could sit in a chair and replenish herself with hope. COCA

He recalls the absolute silence at night along the roadside. COCA

I used to cry in silence at night for my family. Times

since the dawn of civilisation

od samého počátku civilizace

All that has been going on since the dawn of civilisation is that man has, in effect, been doing just that. BNC

Terrorism has been used by hierarchies and dissidents since the dawn of civilisation. Google

Meditation has been used since the dawn of civilisation by most Eastern cultures as a way of acheiving spiritual enlightenment. Google



I am in the graveyard where nothing lives but the slow-worm. BNC

A streak of white, like a slow-worm, stretched itself along the horizon. BNC

With a smooth and shiny snake-like body, the slow-worm is quite distinctive. Google

slugs and snails

slimáci a plži, hlemýždi, šneci

Now Yona the hedgehog was near-by, looking for slugs and snails in the marshes. BNC

This time of year is heaven on earth for slugs and snails. COCA

I try to get rid of the large number of slugs and snails which have got into my compost bin. BNC

sly as a fox

mazaný jako liška

  1. Be as sly as a fox and beat the competition at their own game by checking out Mac Prices before you head out to shop for anything. (Google)
  2. Their successful dispersion is testimony to the adaptability and intelligence that are manifest in the hackneyed though appropriate aphorism "sly as a fox. (Google)
  3. You could say he's as sly as a Fox, but he's not really trying to be sly. (Google)

squirrel away (AmE mostly)

nakřečkovat si, nahrabat si

  1. I squirreled away some money. (Google)
  2. Because one person wants to squirrel away every extra penny, and then youve got the extravagant one. (COCA)
  3. There's a limit, after all, to the things you can squirrel away in your basement and garage. (COCA)

subtropical wilderness

subtropická příroda

What is the subtropical wilderness located in florida? Google

The Everglades is the largest subtropical wilderness in the country. COCA

We'll camp at Flamingo, a unique subtropical wilderness threatened by pollution. COCA

suckle their young

krmit, kojit mladé

Mammals animals with mammary glands that suckle their young. BNC

They rise up from the water to suckle their young. COCA

Indeed, much of the time mother mammals do carry, groom, and suckle their young. COCA

superbly camouflaged

výborně maskovaný

The stonefish and sculpins, which occur throughout the world, are superbly camouflaged. BNC

This superbly camouflaged fish usually occurs in kelp-covered rocky reefs at depths from about 3 m to 50 m. Google

The snow leopard is secretive, scarce, solitary and superbly camouflaged. Google

sweat glands

potní žlázy

As mentioned before, sweat is produced from the sweat glands in the skin. BNC

Cattle have no sweat glands. Times

Heat rashes develop when sweat glands become blocked. COCA

sweat like a pig

potit se jako prase

  1. People love it but it makes you sweat like a pig. (COCA)
  2. It's too hot here, I'm sweating like a pig. (Google)
  3. He always sweats like a pig, it's horrible. (Google)

sweet chestnut

kaštan jedlý

  1. Absently, she ran her fingers over the sweet chestnut and barberry foliage that made up the greens in the piece she would bring over her guests. (COCA)
  2. There were no newcomers like sycamore, walnut, sweet chestnut. Only oak. (COCA)
  3. Albomarginata' (Zone 5), which is a decorative form of the sweet chestnut with a narrow white margin on its glossy leaves. (COCA)

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