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superbly camouflaged

výborně maskovaný

The stonefish and sculpins, which occur throughout the world, are superbly camouflaged. BNC

This superbly camouflaged fish usually occurs in kelp-covered rocky reefs at depths from about 3 m to 50 m. Google

The snow leopard is secretive, scarce, solitary and superbly camouflaged. Google

sweat glands

potní žlázy

As mentioned before, sweat is produced from the sweat glands in the skin. BNC

Cattle have no sweat glands. Times

Heat rashes develop when sweat glands become blocked. COCA

sweat like a pig

potit se jako prase

  1. People love it but it makes you sweat like a pig. (COCA)
  2. It's too hot here, I'm sweating like a pig. (Google)
  3. He always sweats like a pig, it's horrible. (Google)

sweet chestnut

kaštan jedlý

  1. Absently, she ran her fingers over the sweet chestnut and barberry foliage that made up the greens in the piece she would bring over her guests. (COCA)
  2. There were no newcomers like sycamore, walnut, sweet chestnut. Only oak. (COCA)
  3. Albomarginata' (Zone 5), which is a decorative form of the sweet chestnut with a narrow white margin on its glossy leaves. (COCA)

Side: (Forrige)   1  2  3