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between the tides

mezi přílivem a odlivem

But there are many others, including those referring to the behaviour of falling bodies and pendulums, the correlation between the tides and the locations of the sun and moon, and so on. BNC

On the face of it, the zone between the tides seems a poor environment for living things. BNC

However, the beach, too, has a zone between the tides, the foreshore, and this zone deserves a moment's attention. Google

beware of

pozor na ...

There's nothing to stop you putting a sign on the gate saying Beware of the dog. BNC

Beware of breeding rats in America! Times

I'm saying beware of questions that suggest a phrase for your reply. COCA

big cats

velké šelmy kočkovité

Like domestic cats, well fed big cats are contented cats, and spend a large part of their day just resting. BNC

The Leopard Lady. She trains the big cats. Times

The big cats are all still pretty endangered in the wild. COCA

big fish

velká ryba, velké zvíře

  1. The big fish, Batman, real name Andrew Moore, got 40 years. (COCA)
  2. The prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was really going after some seriously big fish. (COCA)
  3. Andrea's father was a big fish; he headed the Agro Bank. (COCA)

big fish in a small pond

osoba úspěšná v malém odvětví, kde není téměř žádná konkurence

  1. After graduating from college I decided to stay in Buffalo and try to be a big fish in a small pond. (Google)
  2. If you're a big fish in a small pond, you're probably one of the leaders in the market space you've defined as your pond. (Google)
  3. I want to talk a minute about what I call the Big Fish in the Small Pond syndrome. (Google)

bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

lepší vrabec v hrsti než holub na střeše
  1. A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush? When Do We Prefer Something Certainly Dirty to Something Perhaps Clean? (Google)
  2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" but fore- thought, current thought and afterthought always need to be processed to fully evaluate management. (Google)
  3. The reason that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush has been found by scientists. (Google)


slepičí mozek (o hloupém člověku)

  1. And should anyone call you a bird-brain, just say, " Thank you! " (COCA)
  2. I guess I've just been a bit of a bird-brain lately since I've done many stupid things. (Google)
  3. Don't call me a bird brain - The wackiest weird stories from around the world. (Google)

black widow

černá vdova (jedovatý pavouk)

The bite of a black widow can kill humans. BNC

One of them, the belief that a black widow spider had spun a web under the toilet seat, had been with him since. COCA

Once he added a flair by eating a black widow spider alive. Times

blades of grass

stébla trávy

I slept among the blades of grass until the sun was high. COCA

And the whole garden, from the blades of grass to the tall proud hollyhocks, sighed with pleasure. BNC

Even today, souvenir hunters pull blades of grass from the lawn around the mausoleum housing the coffins of Elvis. Times

blind as a bat

slepý jako patrona

  1. Your sense of direction is totally lost, you're blind as a bat, and I'm nowhere around to guide you to the lavatory. (COCA)
  2. I'm blind as a bat without my glasses. Mind if I wear them? (COCA)
  3. He was deaf as a post and blind as a bat. (The irony was not lost on the old count.) (COCA)

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