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capital city

hlavní město

1. The property is perfectly set for easy access to the capital city of Hamilton. (BNC)

2.  A tour of our wonderful capital city is not to be missed. (BNC)

3. The first thing I did was visit the capital city. (BNC)

car hire agency

půjčovna aut

Although you'll probably be eager to start your holiday, it pays to read the car hire agency's terms and conditions, and any insurance policy booked. (Google)

To ensure that you will explore the island conveniently and with ultimate safety and comfort you need to contact a dependable Kefalonia car hire agency. (Google)

A car hire agency is a company that rents vehicle for some periods of time for a rental. (Google)

car park


1. Once the huge car park near the Louvre is finished in 1991, tourist coaches will be banned from the centre. (BNC)

2. We apparently like large stores with lots of choice and a car park. (BNC)

3. Staring out across the car park, where silent, empty cars wait for their owners like patient pets, he ponders the success of the meeting. (BNC)

central station

hlavní nádraží

1. The multitude then filed past the Opera House and down towards the central station. (BNC)

2. Susan was beginning, when the train slowed down and slid to a standstill in Exeter Central station.(BNC)

3. At Johannesburg Central Station, Africans used separate entrances and exits together with their own small concourse and facilities.(BNC)

chain store


1. A chain store is one of a number of retail stores under the same ownership and dealing in the same merchandise. (Google)

2. What is the difference between a variety chain store and a multiple shop?  (BNC)

3. The chain store piloted a 13-week part-time secondment programme in which five employees spent hours working with five voluntary organisations. (BNC)

city dues

městské poplatky

Transit and city dues were certainly heavy in Vijayanagar during the sixteenth century. (Google)

This was the form in which all city dues were usually paid. (Google)

He is charged also with the collection of the city dues, and the taxes on property. (Google)

city folks

lidé z města, měšťáci

1.City folks more prone to late-stage cancer than villagers.(Google)

2. STV good for city folks, not so good for rural. (Google)

3. Basic survival tips: a guide for city folks venturing to the outdoors.(Google)

city gates

brány města

This is one of the original four city gates with the present archway dating from 1805. (Google)

The Sarranos Towers are the city gates of Valence for travelers coming from the mountains. (Google)

The city gates open onto a horizon of hills arranged in a circle. (Google)

city lights

světla velkoměsta

From city lights to starry nights, mountain-cradled Salt Lake City is the perfect place to be February 21-23, 2008. (Google)

Usually, the reflection of city lights off of local air impurities makes it hard for casual observers to see more than a handful of stars. (Google)

Bright city lights along the coastline and interior delineate the eastern coast of the United States at night. (Google)

city skyline

panorama města

Illustration of urban city skyline with orange sunset background. (Google)

It was actually of two men smiling into the camera against a chunky city skyline. (BNC)

The city skyline this morning was perfectly silhouetted in twilight while the Golden Gate Bridge framed the highest buildings. (Google)



The answer is never in doubt , and neatly topical in a week when American voters showed their preference for small-town boys over city slickers.(BNC)

Women are particularly vulnerable to the false promises of city slickers. (BNC)

I want a pair of glasses. The sort we city slickers wear, but with clear glass in the frames. (BNC)

climbing frame


He then tried propping the others up on the climbing frame but they kept falling off. (BNC)

Here they are wearing their new outfits while playing on a climbing frame. (BNC)

Inside there was a climbing frame, Lego roundabout, swings and a wooden catapult for firing naughty children out of the castle. (BNC)

cobbled streets

dlážděné ulice

As you stroll along the cobbled streets you'll see various plaques marking historic buildings or events. (Google)

The authorities have been grappling with the problem for a decade , but still the cars choke the cobbled streets. (BNC)

The Village of Clovelly in North Devon is famous for its donkeys, cobbled streets and fishing harbour. (Google)

commercial centre

obchodní centrum

The city of Quesnel is the commercial centre of the North Cariboo. (Google)

The town has always been a primary IRA target but this is the first time in many years that it has singled out the commercial centre. (BNC)

The State of Bahrain is the banking and commercial centre of the Arabian Gulf, with a large community of expatriates enjoying a relaxed, high standard of living. (BNC)

concert hall

koncertní síň

Those in the audience who have had to suffer such behaviour in a concert hall , whilst trying to listen to a brilliant musician , know that his remarks about certain characters are only too true. (BNC)

Theatres and concert halls can be beautiful and stirring places , quite apart from what goes on in them. (BNC)

We became inseparable, and I was so proud to be seen walking with him, to enter a concert hall with him and let others see us sit down together at café and restaurant tables. (BNC)

conservation area

památková oblast

Although All Saints is not a listed building , it lies within a conservation area so that any proposal to demolish it would have been subject to same scrutiny as plans for the demolition of a listed building. (BNC)

The law defines conservation areas as "areas of special architectural or historic interest , the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance". (BNC)

Owners will usually see the value of their property increase and it is often a selling point in estate agents' particulars that a house stands in a conservation area. (BNC)

country boy

venkovský balík

There were snapshots of youths with big moustaches and huge muskets over their shoulders, country boys sensing that nationalism rather than colonialism was a path of honour. (BNC)

Obviously the City boys are a bit fussier than the country boys about when they play. (BNC)

He 's just a poor country boy, with holes in his shoes! (BNC)

country road

venkovská silnice

1. This picture shows a country road with beautiful trees on either side. (Google)

2. Going for walks on our country road is especially enjoyable because of the river, many bridges and beautiful rolling hills. (Google)

3. A country road lined by trees winds amongst the landscape of Tuscany in the Province of Siena, Italy where you have beautiful scenic views. (Google)

cramped apartments

stísněné, natěsnané byty

1. At last there's a way to get above the world of noisy and cramped apartments. (Google)

2. Tired of Cramped Apartments? Rent a room in a house with a large yard! (Google)

3. How do pets cope in cramped apartments in the city? (Google)

crime rate


We also have one of the lowest crime rates for theft and burglary. (BNC)

Mr Whittaker is keen to emphasize that the rising crime rate is not really a racial affair. (BNC)

It is certainly the case that crime rates in socialist countries are far less than in the USA and other capitalist societies. (BNC)

cultivate the land

obdělávat půdu

1. Those who own land lack the means to buy tools or fertilizer to cultivate the land. (Google)

2. "Since we can't cultivate the land that was given to our grandfather by the government, we have been forced to find other means of income,'' said Kishor. (Google)

3. What indian tribe taught how to cultivate the land?  (Google)

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