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take the floor

vstát a říct něco divákům

When I take the floor, I´ll make a shor speech. (Google)

The last time you took the floor, you talked for an hour. (Google)

Because of the Bank Holiday, the hearing resumes at 2pm instead of 10am on Tuesday, when local authorities' barristers take the floor. (BNC)

take the waste/rubbish out - vynést odpadky

1. The Council is unable to provide this service where there is a person living in the household that can take the waste out on collection day. (Google)

2. The court document indicates he used a small boat docked behind the house to take the waste out and dump it. (Google)

3. So the bottom line is to take the waste out of there. There's a lot of waste in there. (Google)

talking to a brick wall - mluvit do zdi

1. He never listens to what I’m saying. It’s like talking to a brick wall. (Textbook)

2. I've tried to tell her, but it's like talking to a brick wall. (Google)

3. I have tried to talk to his father about his behavior but talking to him is like talking to a brick wall. (Google)

tape measure


They were asked to monitor their progress not only with scales but with a tape measure. (BNC)

Four inches long and four inches around; take a tape measure and check for yourself. (BNC)

The tape measure is a much more accurate way of assessing your progress. (BNC)

terraced house (GB)

řadový dům

Christmas in Kate and John Dyson's Victorian terraced house is a gathering together of the family after a hectic run-up to the holiday. (BNC)

Again supporters and the press gathered outside the terraced house in Kirkwall that serves as Orkney's Children's Panel Offices. (BNC)

Three photos of her dead son hang on the walls of their council terraced house. (BNC)

terrestrial phone - pevná linka

1. Calls from one terminal to another go up to the satellite network and directly down to the called handset, bypassing the terrestrial phone network. (Google)

2. That being said, leave the terrestrial phone line out of this! (Google)

3. These downlinks are primarily used for calls that need to be routed into the terrestrial phone system. (Google)

the boy next door

člověk, který je obyčejný, není slavný ani bohatý

We couldn´t believe it when he got a record deal. To us, he was just the boy next door. (Google)

Jeans are a staple part of everyone's wardrobe; from the boy next door to the rich and famous. (BNC)

So your dad said, well I was the boy next door but one. (BNC)

the house is a mess - v domě je nepořádek

1. We're moving tomorrow and the house is a mess. What is the fastest way to clean it? (Google)

2. Weekends are for family time so we don't care if the house is a mess. (Google)

3. Why the house is a mess and no Christmas decor out yet? (Google)

there's no place like home

všude dobře, doma nejlépe

What a great holiday! Still, there's no place like home. (Google)

"It feels so good to be home." "There's no place like home." (Google)

After his long trip, Bob came into his house, sat down in his favorite chair, and happily sighed, "There´s no place like home." (Google)

there's no place like home - nad domov není

1. But "there's no place like home" and so I had to get up at 4am - the hospital is literally less than a mile from home. (Google)

2. Some grass is greener, but there's no place like home. (Google)

3. England is home and there's no place like home. That's what Britain means to me. (Google)

through the back door

nelegálně, nečestně

Bennett had many friends in city government and was known for getting jobs for his friends through the back door. (Google)

Salesmen are constantly trying to push their products by offering special gifts through the back door. (Google)

Did classical theory surreptitiously admit the quantity theory of money; a theory which only holds good at full employment; through the back door in order to fix the price level independently of the level of money wages?  (BNC)

throw money down the drain

plýtvat penězmi

If you ask me, by giving your son all that money, you're really throwing money down the drain. (Google)

Don't throw your money down the drain! (Google)

Mobile users throw money down the drain. (Google)

tidy up - uklidit

1. Every so often I ask him to tidy up, and he complains and moans, and asks why it matters to me. (Google)

2. When time is short and tidying up needs to be done, it is important to be quick as you go about cleaning up. (Google)

3. I got the bright idea to "tidy up " a bit so I created a folder where I could easily find it, and moved the single pix there and then deleted the original folders. (Google)

to lay/set the table with a cloth - dát ubrus na stůl

1. I take the time to set the table with a cloth, cloth napkins, and our nice dishes because it helps me feel good as a woman. (Google)

2. Maurice set the table with a cloth and matching napkins. (Google)

3. They set the table with a cloth made from spiders silk, pour glasses of iguana milk and pick a lovely dead flower from the garden. (Google)

toilet seat

záchodové prkénko

They recruited 205 members of the public to test new types of toilet seat. (BNC)

Subjects were asked to try five types of toilet seat ranking them in order of preference. (BNC)

It always protects he even pulls the toilet seat down, (BNC)

towel rail

držák na ručníky

Kicking off his muddy wellingtons, he walked across to the towel rail on the far side of the old-fashioned kitchen. (BNC)

It was a clean, white, rather clinical-looking room, with its white wooden towel rail, its bowl and pitcher of water for those who didn't have the time or inclination to take a bath. (BNC)

Potterton Myson give new meaning to the term towel rail with their extensive range of towel warmers. (BNC)

TV-slob / coach potato - pecivál

1. Just as it's hard to be a coach potato without a couch, it's hard to sit all day at work without a chair or a conventional desk or cubicle. (Google)

2. I'm neither a coach potato nor aspiring to become a fitness freak. (Google)

3. Who wants to be with a man who's a coach potato and has no financial plan? (Google)

Sida:  1  2  (Nästa)