by Ondřej Jakubčík and Jan Kubínek.
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dark horsečerný kůň
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deadly poisonoussmrtelně jedovatý
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death capmuchomůrka zelená
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deeply rootedpevně zakořeněný
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derives in part from stčástečně se odvozuje z něčeho Rock music, like jazz, derives in part from the blues. Times Green Day's anti-war stance derives in part from their personal histories. COCA His painting procedure for his oils derives in part from that of the American artist Edwin Dickinson. COCA | ||
destroying angelmuchomůrka jízlivá
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devoid of vegetation bez vegetace, postrádající vegetaci Most of the island was cleared for phosphates, leaving it devoid of vegetation . BNC Because of the cold and wind, this granite summit is nearly devoid of vegetation; plants grow only in the thin gravel lodged in crevices. COCA The rest is rocky terrain virtually devoid of vegetation. Times | ||
dog daysvelmi teplé letní dny
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dog-earedmít oslí uši (o knize)
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