Požadavky na absolvování
by Alena Bestvinová and Nikola Widermanová
Procházet slovníkem pomocí tohoto rejstříku
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see eye to eyesouhlasit s někým Not all married couples see eye-to-eye in terms of retirement planning. And, according to a recent Fidelity Investments survey, only 38 percent of couples team up to tackle their retirement finances.(Google) When you work with the public, you're going to come across people who have a different world view. Whether it be the war in Iraq, religion, who's running for local government, gay marriage, or general gossip, you may not always see eye to eye with your clients' point of view. (Google) Newcomers and longtimers don't always see eye to eye but share a key goal. (Google) | |
shoot off one's mouth vyjadřovat nepodložené názory, mluvit jako vševěd It is never a good policy to shoot off one's mouth when knowing nothing of the facts. (Google) Using such inelegant language is not nice for a public figure like him. To shoot off one's mouth and then apologize for it shows his crudity and insecurity. (Google) The true mark of a person's maturity is not to shoot off one's mouth at something, but to understand and investigate it before stating your opinion. (Google) | |
shoot off your mouthmlieť hubou Did you shoot off your mouth and challenge Darren to a game? (Google) Marco is always shooting off his mouth about how many languages he speaks. (Google) Don't pay any attention to Bob. He's always shooting his mouth off. (Google)
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shoot questions at somebodyněkoho zahltit, bombardovat otázkami It is the norm for reporters to shoot questions at ministers to seek answers for their reports but the reverse happened at a press conference Sunday. Energy, Water and Communications Minister fired questions at reporters instead. (Google) When I buy my cars, I like to shoot questions at them they are not prepared for. It's fun to see them sweat! (Google) He proceeded to shoot questions at me with a blistering speed, and not a word in English. After roughly 10 minutes he asked me to step into the examination room, where he proceeded to take my temperature and check my blood pressure. (Google) | |
Silence gives consent. Kdo mlčí, souhlasí. It occurs to me that one source of this phenomenon is the fact that in the blogosphere we assume that silence gives consent, while we do not assume this in the same way when we are talking face to face. (Google) If “silence gives consent”, then let my voice be heard loud and clear by these various governments: I am a sovereign individual and your presidents, senators, congresspeople, and other functionaries do not represent me. (Google) Silence gives consent. Scream and be heard! (Google) | |
slip of the pen chyba v psaném projevu, přepsání se Instead of correcting Keynes’s mathematics (which is right), the paper concludes that there has been a “slip of the pen” in his own description of these concepts. (Google) Therefore, it is very inconvenient to use the conventional ballpoint pen if there is a slip of the pen which needs to be corrected or deleted. (Google) According to Freud, there is a "psychology of errors"; that slip of the tongue or that slip of the pen become for Freud the clues to the secret functioning of the unconscious. (Google) | |
slip of the tongue prerieknutie If you are going away, tell only those who need to know -- a slip of the tongue in the street, pub or corner shop could be overheard by the wrong sort. (BNC) Don't remember that. Long time ago. Slip of the tongue. (BNC) Much of the humour derives from slips of the tongue, an occupational hazard. (BNC) | |
small talk všedný rozhovor Henry cast his mind back to the small talk of a small town. (BNC) A keen and powerful debater, he was not amused at the dreariness of the Executive's meetings, the small talk and the administration (never his strong point). (BNC) She could not provide him with small talk, or prod him to abandon his silences. (BNC) | |
small/fine print drobnotlač, drobné písmo However, legal expenses insurance generally tends to be full of small print and exclusions. (BNC) Other ITV stations will closely scrutinise the small print when further details are released in a few weeks. (BNC) For their part, consumes should take reasonable care when making purchases; where there is small print it should be read carefully or, if it seems complex and the purchase involves a large sum of money, professional advice may be required. (BNC) | |