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game fishing

sportovní rybolov

The choice of activities at this marvellous hotel is staggering, with game fishing in the hotel's own fleet of boats... BNC

It wasn't just the pleasures of big game fishing. COCA

If Mr. Grey, 62, is the senior prophet of ocean game fishing in America, certainly Van Campen Heilner, 37, is its junior dean. Times

garden fork


He'd got a small garden fork and he started taking out rough bits of grass from the edge of the drive. BNC

Instead, use a garden fork to break up the ground. COCA

Spike compacted areas with a garden fork, hollow-tined fork or mechanical aerator to encourage vital air exchange at the roots. BNC

get the monkey off your back

přehodit problém na někoho jiného

  1. If you fire Susan, you will get the monkey off your back. (Google)
  2. If you are tired of your old worn out habits maybe it's time to get the monkey off your back and enjoy the freedom of a new day. (Google)
  3. I'll teach you exactly what you need to know to become successful and get that monkey off your back once and for all. (Google)

get trapped in st

chytit se do něčeho

The great thing, he decided, was not to get trapped in the cul de sac of being a suffragan. BNC

I call it the new slavery is that people get trapped in a series of circumstances where you've got to address both moral issues. COCA

You have to watch out youdon't get trapped in it. Times

ginger cat

kočka se srstí rezavé barvy

She is frightened of that ginger cat Susan. BNC

Gina watched the friendship unfold, watched a stuffed owl and a toy ginger cat arrive in the mail as gifts. Times

The large ginger cat mewed. COCA

glory hound

člověk prahnoucí po slávě

  1. No matter what else Oliver Stone - he's, you know, a glory hound, rabble rouser, a multiple Oscar winner. (COCA)
  2. Second, Cross strikes me as a pro at least. He's not just some glory hound. (COCA)
  3. He did happen to catch the Gentleman Caller, he might just become a glory hound himself. (COCA)

go ape over

mít něco strašně moc rád

  1. Orang-utans go ape over palm oil. (Google)
  2. You'll go ape over this deal (Google)
  3. Orlando-area pet owners go ape over their primate 'monkids'. (Google)

go on the rampage

rozběsnit se, řádit jako divý

It doesn't break out and go on the rampage when it's there. BNC

Miami seismologists argue that nuclear devices might relieve the stresses before they go on the rampage. Times

Disgruntled over the loss of their lands and the destruction of the buffalo, the Indians were quick to go on the rampage. COCA

gold rush

zlatá horečka

More gold has been produce here in this present gold rush than in any other part of Brazil. BNC

The red-hot center of this 21st century gold rush is the western Canadian province of Alberta. COCA

At the age of 25 Key Pittman joined the gold rush to Alaska and worked for two years as a common miner. Times


hledači zlata

A tent city sprouted nearby and hundreds of gold-seekers lived in sleeping bags. Times

Within months, some 10,000 gold-seekers, merchants, road agents, card sharks, and dance-hall ladies jammed the town. COCA

Vancouver began life in the mid-1800s as a settlement for gold seekers and fur traders. COCA

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