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job opportunities

pracovní příležitosti

1. Since job opportunities in industry have been limited in this way, how do the millions who are coming to the city earn a living? (BNC)

2. In an effort to increase job opportunities for the local population, the corporation intends to spend in the late 1980s and early 1990s some £20 million on education and training. (BNC)

3. Will job opportunities and interview skills be discussed at some time during the course? (BNC)

junk yard (US)

smetiště, skládka

1. The reason our house has looked like a junk yard since 1985 is because a three-seater the colour and shape of junk has been there. (BNC)

2. You might be able to get a cart-wheel of your own from a local bygone auction or junk yard. (BNC)

3. Treasure hunting in Harvard's junk yard: Harvard University gives away tons of used furniture and office equipment at its recycling center. (Google)