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bathroom scales

pokojová váha

He steps on to the bathroom scales. (BNC)

He weighed himself on the bathroom scales. (BNC)

Like all bathroom scales, ours are trod with hope and trepidation. (BNC)

be home and dry

uspět a neočekávat další problémy

I'm glad we've got that new client. We're home and dry now. (Google)

If Components Bureau can beat the champions for a second time, then they will virtually be home and dry.  (BNC)

I've just got one more report to write and I'll be home and dry. (Google)

be home and dry - být za vodou / být v suchu

1. I suppose it is the way life is, but I think the least we can do is be supportive of those persons, and also of course think of the poor train driver who have to live with this for the rest of his/her life. Anyway I am home and dry, as the saying goes. (Google)

2. With these controls, all I need to do is use the ID of the control as the variable and I am home and dry. (Google)

3. In my case, they did not chase up the speeding ticket within the 6 months time, so I am home and dry. But I also had the added advantage of speeding in Britain and living in Sweden. (Google)

be home and dry - mít něco za sebou/hotovo

1. I have managed to get my work finished and subject to one more day in the office tomorrow I am home and dry. (Google)

2. I am like a horse that has completed his work, has relaxed and is no longer hot and covered in sweat. In fact, I am home and dry. (Google)

3. Last one, I thought, get through this and I am home and dry. (Google)

bedside table - noční stolek

1. I was thinking this morning about the many bedside table options one has when scouting for a new piece to rest their lamp and alarm clock. (Google)

2. The first one, The Death of Vishnu, is actually on my bedside table but I haven't read it yet. (Google)

3. When needed, I park the laptop on the bedside table, where the computer has to share the small available space with a lamp, books, notes, and heaven knows what else. (Google)

Benjamin of the family - benjamínek rodiny (nejmladší člen)

1. Their seventh son, Joseph, was particularly special to him, and not just because he was the Benjamin of the family. (Google)

2. Our girls were at that time 12 & 14 and the benjamin of the family was 6 years old. (Google)

3. The Benjamin of the family, Polydoros, appears in the Iliad as the youngest and dearest son of Priam who enters battle against his father's order and is soon killed by Achilles. (Google)

bid table

krmítko pro ptáky

The grain may be in a pocket, hidden inside a box, or out of sight above the horse on a bird table. (BNC)

Set up a bird table to help birds find food through the cold winter months. (BNC)

A bird table is a good idea but not essential. (BNC)

boiler room


Boiler room or rooms associated with heating plant should be avoided. (BNC)

The books fell to the basement boiler room, where they were recovered by the thief. (BNC)

There were in addition downstairs a boiler room with a bed in it, a bathroom and kitchen. (BNC)

bring home

docílit toho, aby někdo něco lépe pochopil

We hope the leaflet we are sending out to our motor policyholders will bring home to them the fact that most cars can be converted both simply and cheaply. (BNC)

This kind of gossip and these misunderstandings only served to bring home to him how grateful he should be to Theo, who was now a believer and supported him willingly. (BNC)

Her visit to the war memorial brought home to her the suffering the was had caused. (Google)

bring home the bacon

vydělávat peníze a podporovat rodinu

I can bring home the bacon. (Google)

It's not a big deal in the scheme of things but you get an awful lot of hassle when all your mates are going to university, or start bringing home the bacon. (BNC)

That was the motivation to bring home the bacon, even if it was only Spam. (BNC) 

bring home the bacon - uživit rodinu/vydělávat slušné peníze

1. Can poker bring home the bacon? (Google)

2. The article ISN’T about women whining about having to bring home the bacon and provide when their men are unemployed, they’re commenting on how the power dynamic changes and thus affects the relationship. (Google)

3. We spoke to three women who bring home the bacon -- and to their partners -- to find out how their relationship has been affected. (Google)

bring home to sb. - objasnit/ujasnit (komu)

1. Incidents like this, and we've had more than our fair share since Christmas, bring home to me the utter futility of planning ahead, of wasting today because tomorrow will surely be so much better. (Google)

2. They tried hard to bring home to me, and make me accept, the message of Jesus, and I was a humble and respectful listener with an open mind. (Google)

3. The walk out of Congleton to reach another part of the Gritstone Trail, a section shared with the Biddulph Valley Way, certainly took long enough to bring home to me the size of the town and how far its train station is from the town centre. (Google)

broken home - rozvrácená rodina (po rozvodu nežijící dohromady))

1. I come from a broken home. I don't blame my father for leaving because I'm gonna move out soon myself. (Google)

2. Since my husband left me in March, I have been thinking about whether there is any corelation between a broken home as a child and divorce. (Google)

3. This article discusses the effects of a broken home on teenagers. First hand account of a teen who suffered from living in a broken home and the permanent effects on one's life after living in a broken family. (Google)

build castles in the air

mít nereálné sny

She has this unrealistic idea of sailing around the world. She's building castles in the air again. (Google)

Why don't you pay attention to what you need to do and not build castles in the air. (Google)

I really like to sit on the porch in the evening, just building castles in the air. (Google)

bunk bed - patrová postel

1. This bunk bed is specifically designed to accommodate any of the various sizes of bed frames found at your college or university. (Google)

2. A compact living solutions, Doc a sofa with lose covers that converts into a bunk bed with integrated ladder and safty bars. (Google)

3. A new mandatory standard for bunk beds is expected to improve safety for the hundreds of thousands of children who use them. (Google)

burst pipe

prasklé potrubí

What is an easy way to fix a burst pipe? (BNC)

If disaster strikes, such as a flood or a burst pipe, you can guarantee it will be at the most inconvenient time. (BNC)

She looked up at the bedroom ceiling, where a pale stain recalled a burst pipe nearly fifteen months ago. (BNC)

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