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give house room to - udělat v domě místo pro (něco) / natahat si do domu (co)

1. I wouldn't give house room to that lamp. It's horrible! (Google)

2. Some thirty-five years on I don't have that old guitar any more. [...] It was actually, I now know, a very cheaply-made instrument with a very dull sound that I wouldn't give house room to these days, but it was good enough for me to learn on. (Google)

3. I have nets at my windows to stop people nosing into my house, but I wouldn't give house room to these horrible, fussy, frilly curtains. I like my nets to be plain and brilliant white. (Google)

go home in a box - dostat se domů v dřevěné truhle

1. I just want to re-start my life but I'm so afraid of being victimised now. I don't want to go home in a box. (Google)

2. The urge to drink can be powerful, but impaired drivers go home in a box. (Google)

3. Experienced expatriates in Russia shared an essential rule: Don't cross these brutal billionaires, ever, or you're likely to go home in a box. (Google)

go out of the window - vyletět oknem / "jít do kytek"

1. As preconceived questions began to go out of the window, Gwyneth's interviews became more well-rounded. (Google)

2. If I was out, and I was taking E., everything else would go out of the window, and I would just party and have a good time, and the rest of it. (Google)

3. If I eat just one slice of pizza, my whole diet will go out of the window. (Google)

go through the roof

být velice naštvaný

Tarquin and Lucretia go through the roof. (BNC)

She was what had happened and went through the roof. (Google)

My father went through the roof when he saw what I did to the car. (Google)

go to bed late - chodit spát pozdě

1. College students who go to bed late are more likely to have poor quality sleep, which may affect their mental health and academic performance. (Google)

2. I go to bed late (midnight) and get up between 5 and 6 am I get up a lot during the night. (Google)

3. I want to be a morning person, but have always fought my body that wants to go to bed late and get up late, and get about 10 hrs sleep. (Google)

go to sleep - usnout

1. Never go to sleep angry. (Google)

2. Pam tries to keep the squirrel as a pet, which works fine for Matt because he thinks he can just squirrel into his room, go to sleep, and wake up cured. (Google)

3. I don't think there's a cure for me, cause I am a fool as you can see. My body really wants to weep, my brain is yelling: "Go to sleep!" (Google)

grandfather clock

vysoké stojací hodiny

The muffled tick of the grandfather clock echoed in one corner. (BNC)

We would visit her on occasions and I remember she had a rather splendid grandfather clock. (BNC)

Just like that old grandfather clock the memories of those precious moments last for ever. (BNC)

ground floor - přízemí

1. This is the plan for the ground floor. 2 reception rooms, kitchen, dining room, utility room, study, entrance hall, double garage and a storage room. (Google)

2. Many buildings suffer from rot and insect attack in their ground floor timbers and this is mainly due to poor sub floor ventilation. (Google)

3. All of these properties have bedrooms on the ground floor. (Google)

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