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pen friend priateľ na dopisovanie Pat has also asked me to thank those who gave their names to be pen friends and asks you to be patient as she is too ill to distribute them yet. (BNC) Pen friends were encouraged for learning French, but in English Digest there were advertisements from Burma and Mauritius and from servicemen. (BNC) I'm getting worried, I've not heard from any of my polytechnic's no, and you didn't write to your pen friend either. (BNC) | |
pep talkpovzbuzující, nabuzující slova Here’s how to give yourself an inspiring self pep talk to help you feel stronger, happier and ready to move forward with confidence. (Google) The pep talk is the coach’s responsibility. The pep talk is about the attitude of the team, getting their heads right so that they can go out there and win. (Google) In this week's Pep Talk, the personal coach shares the story of a brave young girl whose perseverance can be an example to each of us. (Google) | |
pop into one's headnapadnúť (myšlienka), prísť na um náhle, odrazu Don't be so rude. I'm not good at math. Answers to these questions don't just pop into my head. (Google) The idea popped into my head while I was in the washroom. (Google) Funny, the sort of things which popped into your head. (BNC)
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pop the question požiadať o ruku Well, I plan on popping the question on her birthday, but don't tell her. It will ruin the surprise. (Google) He picked Valentine's Day to pop the question. (Google) Creative marriage proposals for when you're ready to pop the question. (Google)
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prepare the ground pripraviť pôdu With hindsight, one can see how Mr Gorbachev has been preparing the ground for this week's changes. (BNC) The leaders of both countries are preparing the ground for negotiations which may lead to peace. (Google) Mrs Thatcher's governments were determined to cut the unions down in size and, for all the incremental nature of the legislation, prepared the ground in advance. (BNC) | |
proof of identity preukázanie totožnosti If they have never had a number they must go personally with proof of identity. (BNC) This emphasises the point that before accepting any cheque proof of identity should be sought. (BNC) Journalists should be compelled to produce proof of identity and the Code of Practice should be written into contracts of employment and agreements with freelances. (BNC) | |
pros and cons argumenty za a proti What are the pros and cons of quarry tiles? (BNC) We've been discussing the pros and cons of buying a house. (Google) The pros and cons of three possible posts were considered -- commercial manager, general manager or director of coaching. (BNC) | |
put smth about ( around )ohovárať, klebetiť Oh, I thought you and he got on well. Titus Well we did until now, but he's been putting it about that I'm thinking of leaving my job. (Google) Someone has been putting rumors about that I live with my girlfriend. (Google) He has already allowed friends to put it around that he only stayed as Chancellor after Black Wednesday because Mr Major begged him to. (BNC)
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put something in writing napísať Greek historians, for example Thucydides, tended to concentrate on the recent past, their object being to put in writing those significant actions which were remembered but had not yet been recorded. (BNC) What I really wanted to say I didn't want to put in writing. (BNC) Well might do but I think it needs to be put in writing you know like who's is who's what you know. (BNC) | |