by Alena Bestvinová and Nikola Widermanová
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take on the chinstatečně přijmout kritiku You are one of the few politicians to take on the chin without a spindoctor hovering between you and the public. (Google) I believe we have to take on the chin the critics, but it is down to how strongly we believe in ourselves and how good I think the team is. (Google) As I said, my goal is to work with testers to ensure our product is tested fairly and to then take on the chin whatever results they come up with. (Google) | |
take one at one's word vzít někoho za slovo If we take you at your word and your student proves to be significantly weaker than your letter, we won't trust your future recommendations. (Google) One problem with cynicism is that many people will fail to understand your cryptic, clever meaning and take you at your word. (Google) We can only take him at his word that he didn't read the report that he said he should have read. Admitting that he had read the report would be like admitting guilt. (Google) | |
take sth with a pinch of salt brát něco s rezervou And until then, every time Washington talks about human rights and democracy, we will have to take it with a pinch of salt. (Google) A lot of office gossip is just that - gossip. It is filled with innuendo, rumours, errors and even deliberately malicious nonsense. Take it with a pinch of salt rather than reacting personally or defensively. (Google) And more importantly, take it with a pinch of salt when whoever tells you that they have a 40+ year safety record to back up their product. (Google) | |
take the floor převzít slovo (např. na konferenci) Since this is the first time I take the floor under your Presidency let me first express to you my congratulations and best wishes for the success of your mandate. (Google) The Chinese representative did not take the floor at the session. (Google) Representatives of the Pilot courts are invited to take the floor in order to answer shortly to the questions mentioned above. (Google) | |
take the mickeyvodiť za nos I expect she'll try and take the mickey out of you all right. (Google) They used to take the mick out of him because of the way he walked. (Google) I thought you were being serious - I didn't realise you were taking the mickey. (Google) | |
talk back to someone někomu odmlouvat Children who talk back usually do have one thing in common: They're trying to separate from their parents and exercise control over their lives. (Google) Keep in mind that when kids talk back, something else is going on underneath. The goal is to help them express it constructively. (Google) Kids are much more likely to stop talking back if they see it's ineffective in getting our attention. So refuse to continue the conversation until your child stops talking back - and be sure to do it every time. (Google) | |
talk big chvástat se The Republicans are already talking big about McCain's readiness to use the Web for organizing and fundraising in the general election. (Google) I bet you would not be talking big if Kenny came up to your face. You would probably put your tail between your legs and run away. (Google) Whether they are talking big or throwing their money in your face, their cockiness seeps out of their pores. Sometimes, people like this need to humble down. (Google) | |
talk out of the back of your head plácat nesmysly He is talking out of the back of his head ! What he says is so obviously not the case. (Google) He was, of course, talking out of the back of his head. When you come to understand how Naperian Logarithms work, and gain an understanding of the Poisson Distribution, then you won't be fooled. (Google) I also told her I might be talking out of the back of my head and that I wouldn't be offended if she ignored everything I said. (Google) | |
talk rot plácat hlouposti I like people to talk rot. It's man's only privilege over the rest of creation. (Google) “Oh, don't talk rot, Joyce,” her mother said, holding the candle out in front and quickly looking at the foot of the stairs. “Of course I am not frightened. It is just that these steps are terribly dangerous. Come on now, hold my hand so you don't fall, and we'll see who's frightened.” (Google) Just watch your mouth and don't let it talk rot which doesn't make sense. (Google) | |