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(live) under the same roof

(žít) pod jednou střechou

It would have been unthinkable in the Spain of those days to have male and female students living under the same roof. (BNC)

They were offered, as Sue Lawley proudly pointed out, the only opportunity of quizzing all three party leaders under the same roof, though not at the same time. (BNC)

We can never be happy here, under the same roof as that woman. (BNC)


a home away from home

téměř jako domov

She learned to love the school which tried to be a home away from home to the 120 girls. (BNC)

I visit Chicago so often, it´s become a home away from home for me. (Google)

It is a home away from home. (Google)

a home from home - druhý domov

1. Brazilian children’s society offers a home from home for children living with HIV. (Google)

2. Students at Lancaster University have a home from home now that the The University Partnerships Programme (UPP), the country’s leading university partner in student accommodation, and Lancaster University have opened brand new halls of residence for the start of the new academic year. (Google)

3. For Westerners, the UAE is a very much a home from home, a place where they can enjoy the comforts of their native land in an exotic setting. (Google)

a home truth

nepříjemná pravda

She became assertive-in-spite-of-herself, and marching rapidly from one end of the kitchen to the other, which she always did when entrusting him with a home truth. (BNC)

She's going to have to sit down and hear some home truths. (Google)

David needs to be told a few home truths, whether he likes it or not! (Google)

a roof over your head

střecha nad hlavou

Unless we find another flat to rent, we won't have a roof over our heads in two months' time! (Google)

We feed you, keep you warm and give you a roof over your head. (BNC)

You said all you wanted was a roof over your head. (BNC)

answer the door

jít otevřít

I listen for a bit to hear if anyone's going to answer the door. (BNC)

He would answer the door and my job was to answer the phone. (BNC)

Turn them off if you have to answer the door or the phone. (BNC)

answer the door - jít otevřít (když někdo zvoní)

1. You never answer the door during business hours. (Google)

2. I was wondering if it is illegal to answer the door for the delivery guy nude. Would this be in violation of any indecency laws? (Google)

3. Don't answer the door late at night or early in the morning. (Google)

answer the phone - zvednout telefon

1. When I used to go to a small shop with 3 stylists, whoever was least busy at that moment would answer the phone to book appointments. (Google)

2. Silent calls means when you answer the phone, there is nobody there. (Google)

3. Smile when you answer the phone. (Google)

at home


And that is because people made music at home. (BNC)

You're never at home these days anyway. (BNC)

Provide help for families to stay together and to continue to care for their children at home. (BNC)

at home with

být s někým/něčím doma; cítit se díky něčemu dobře

It is as if we are at home with God, for his presence and his friendship become a greater reality for us as we grow to know him better. (BNC)

My daughter, although clearly distressed at the tragedy, preferred to stay at home with the children. (BNC)

Equally at home with Bach or jazz, the flute is capable of rapid notes and exciting dashes in busy upper register counter-subjects. (BNC)


bathroom scales

pokojová váha

He steps on to the bathroom scales. (BNC)

He weighed himself on the bathroom scales. (BNC)

Like all bathroom scales, ours are trod with hope and trepidation. (BNC)

be home and dry

uspět a neočekávat další problémy

I'm glad we've got that new client. We're home and dry now. (Google)

If Components Bureau can beat the champions for a second time, then they will virtually be home and dry.  (BNC)

I've just got one more report to write and I'll be home and dry. (Google)

be home and dry - být za vodou / být v suchu

1. I suppose it is the way life is, but I think the least we can do is be supportive of those persons, and also of course think of the poor train driver who have to live with this for the rest of his/her life. Anyway I am home and dry, as the saying goes. (Google)

2. With these controls, all I need to do is use the ID of the control as the variable and I am home and dry. (Google)

3. In my case, they did not chase up the speeding ticket within the 6 months time, so I am home and dry. But I also had the added advantage of speeding in Britain and living in Sweden. (Google)

be home and dry - mít něco za sebou/hotovo

1. I have managed to get my work finished and subject to one more day in the office tomorrow I am home and dry. (Google)

2. I am like a horse that has completed his work, has relaxed and is no longer hot and covered in sweat. In fact, I am home and dry. (Google)

3. Last one, I thought, get through this and I am home and dry. (Google)

bedside table - noční stolek

1. I was thinking this morning about the many bedside table options one has when scouting for a new piece to rest their lamp and alarm clock. (Google)

2. The first one, The Death of Vishnu, is actually on my bedside table but I haven't read it yet. (Google)

3. When needed, I park the laptop on the bedside table, where the computer has to share the small available space with a lamp, books, notes, and heaven knows what else. (Google)

Benjamin of the family - benjamínek rodiny (nejmladší člen)

1. Their seventh son, Joseph, was particularly special to him, and not just because he was the Benjamin of the family. (Google)

2. Our girls were at that time 12 & 14 and the benjamin of the family was 6 years old. (Google)

3. The Benjamin of the family, Polydoros, appears in the Iliad as the youngest and dearest son of Priam who enters battle against his father's order and is soon killed by Achilles. (Google)

bid table

krmítko pro ptáky

The grain may be in a pocket, hidden inside a box, or out of sight above the horse on a bird table. (BNC)

Set up a bird table to help birds find food through the cold winter months. (BNC)

A bird table is a good idea but not essential. (BNC)

boiler room


Boiler room or rooms associated with heating plant should be avoided. (BNC)

The books fell to the basement boiler room, where they were recovered by the thief. (BNC)

There were in addition downstairs a boiler room with a bed in it, a bathroom and kitchen. (BNC)

bring home

docílit toho, aby někdo něco lépe pochopil

We hope the leaflet we are sending out to our motor policyholders will bring home to them the fact that most cars can be converted both simply and cheaply. (BNC)

This kind of gossip and these misunderstandings only served to bring home to him how grateful he should be to Theo, who was now a believer and supported him willingly. (BNC)

Her visit to the war memorial brought home to her the suffering the was had caused. (Google)

bring home the bacon

vydělávat peníze a podporovat rodinu

I can bring home the bacon. (Google)

It's not a big deal in the scheme of things but you get an awful lot of hassle when all your mates are going to university, or start bringing home the bacon. (BNC)

That was the motivation to bring home the bacon, even if it was only Spam. (BNC) 

bring home the bacon - uživit rodinu/vydělávat slušné peníze

1. Can poker bring home the bacon? (Google)

2. The article ISN’T about women whining about having to bring home the bacon and provide when their men are unemployed, they’re commenting on how the power dynamic changes and thus affects the relationship. (Google)

3. We spoke to three women who bring home the bacon -- and to their partners -- to find out how their relationship has been affected. (Google)

bring home to sb. - objasnit/ujasnit (komu)

1. Incidents like this, and we've had more than our fair share since Christmas, bring home to me the utter futility of planning ahead, of wasting today because tomorrow will surely be so much better. (Google)

2. They tried hard to bring home to me, and make me accept, the message of Jesus, and I was a humble and respectful listener with an open mind. (Google)

3. The walk out of Congleton to reach another part of the Gritstone Trail, a section shared with the Biddulph Valley Way, certainly took long enough to bring home to me the size of the town and how far its train station is from the town centre. (Google)

broken home - rozvrácená rodina (po rozvodu nežijící dohromady))

1. I come from a broken home. I don't blame my father for leaving because I'm gonna move out soon myself. (Google)

2. Since my husband left me in March, I have been thinking about whether there is any corelation between a broken home as a child and divorce. (Google)

3. This article discusses the effects of a broken home on teenagers. First hand account of a teen who suffered from living in a broken home and the permanent effects on one's life after living in a broken family. (Google)

build castles in the air

mít nereálné sny

She has this unrealistic idea of sailing around the world. She's building castles in the air again. (Google)

Why don't you pay attention to what you need to do and not build castles in the air. (Google)

I really like to sit on the porch in the evening, just building castles in the air. (Google)

bunk bed - patrová postel

1. This bunk bed is specifically designed to accommodate any of the various sizes of bed frames found at your college or university. (Google)

2. A compact living solutions, Doc a sofa with lose covers that converts into a bunk bed with integrated ladder and safty bars. (Google)

3. A new mandatory standard for bunk beds is expected to improve safety for the hundreds of thousands of children who use them. (Google)

burst pipe

prasklé potrubí

What is an easy way to fix a burst pipe? (BNC)

If disaster strikes, such as a flood or a burst pipe, you can guarantee it will be at the most inconvenient time. (BNC)

She looked up at the bedroom ceiling, where a pale stain recalled a burst pipe nearly fifteen months ago. (BNC)


call it a night

jít domů a jít do postele

It took 30 minutes of argument, a great deal of soothing of apparently hurt professional pride, and not a little money to persuade Chela that it was time to call it a night, alone. (BNC)

"Do you want to call it a night?" asked Surkov, perhaps hopefully. (BNC)

We agreed to call it a night. (BNC)

central heating - ústřední topení

1. A central heating system provides warmth to the whole interior of a building from one point to multiple rooms. (Google)

2. Is it more efficient to keep the central heating on 24 hours a day? (Google)

3. By about 400AD the Romans had perfected a form of central heating. (Google)

charity begins at home - bližší košile nežli kabát

1. Economy Bureau Posted: 'Charity begins at home', the right mantra for companies. (Google)

2. Charity begins at home, not through government funding. (Google)

3. And because HR Council head Ms. Cedie Lopez Vargas firmly believes that “charity begins at home”, she sent out letters to the HR heads, requesting for assistance from fellow Lopez group employees. (Google)

chest of drawers - prádelník

1. Building a chest of drawers is a surprisingly easy project and is well worth the effort as it means that you can build a chest that is large enough to fit all of your particulars in it. (Google)

2. Chest of drawers have these three main principles. First, we need our chest of drawers to be practical and provide quality bedroom storage. (Google)

3. A chest of drawers, large or small, can serve many purposes in almost any room in the house. (Google)

clean one's teeth - vyčistit si zuby

1. The dentist will check for cavities and clean your teeth. Brush for at least three minutes. (Google)

2. Clean your teeth properly Plaque is a sticky, colourless bacterial film that collects at the base of your teeth and combines with sugar. (Google)

3. You probably won't need to use the brush to actually clean baby's teeth until he's eating only table foods. (Google)

close / pull down the blinds - zavřít/stáhnout žaluzie

1. If you pull down the blinds, you can read the screen much better and your eyes don't get sore. (Google)

2. Well, shut the door, pull down the blinds and read carefully. I won't repeat this again: I'm afraid I might be a chocoholic. (Google)

3. Let's pull down the blinds because there's somebody over there watching us. (Google)

coffee maker - kávovar

1. Coffee makers are an everyday morning necessity. (Google)

2. You must try it to understand why this device is the only coffee maker I will ever own again. (Google)

3. Coffee addict discovers problems with his Internet-connected coffee maker that could open up his PC to attackers. (Google)

coffee table - konferenční stolek

1. Featuring unique wood and glass living room coffee tables and coffee table sets in round and square traditional and contemporary styles. (Google)

2. Your living room coffee table links your sofa, accent chairs and other living room furniture just as it links you and your guests. (Google)

3. No living room arrangement looks quite finished without a coffee table. The coffee table aquarium is only one example of ways to decorate your coffee table. (Google)

colour television

barevná televize

What would you rather do, watch colour television with me or an old black and white set with the Monster Raving Loony Party? (BNC)

Together they have a Ford Escort, a colour television, a three piece suite, a cat and a problem that won't go away. (BNC)

All the bedrooms have private facilities and colour television, one has a four-poster. (BNC)


dimmer switch

přepínač světel

If spots or downlights are bought, they're often used without benefit of a dimmer switch. (BNC)

Installing a dimmer switch will often give you the flexibility you'll need. (BNC)

Rise and fall pendants are ideal above dining areas, especially when connected to a dimmer switch. (BNC)

dining room - jídelna

1. A dining room is a room for consuming food. (Google)

2. The play is a comedy of manners, set in a single dining room where 18 scenes from different households overlap and intertwine. (Google)

3. Here we focus on dining room furniture including dining tables, dining chairs, china cabinets, buffets, sideboards, and curio cabinets in all styles. (Google)

do one's homework - udělat/napsat úkol

1. He is twelve, and no matter what I do, no matter what my wife or my oldest daughter do, he won't do his homework. (Google)

2. Most kids fail classes because they forget or just don't do thier homework. (Google)

3. My teenagers do thier homework on thier own, I leave them alone about it and they bring home good grades. (Google)

do the ironing - žehlit

1. Now, you may have a couple different people that do the ironing in your home to different heights. (Google)

2. Dad should be able to do the ironing just as well! (Google)

3. But Mom's hatred of ironing was stronger than Dad's middle-class guilt, and in the end Martha came once a week to do the ironing. (Google)

do the washing - prát prádlo

1. I tried this with our old washing machine but found it a bit of a bugger putting it back together again everytime my wife wanted to do the washing! (Google)

2. ... either a servant would be provided to do the washing or the one in the lowest position would assume a servant's role and wash the feet of all at the meal. (Google)

3. In approximately two-thirds of households it is the women who do the washing and ironing, ... (Google)

do the washing up - umývat nádobí

1. From the start I made sure my workaholic, political lobbyist, partner understood that the cook does not do the washing up. (Google)

2. Memo to anyone coming to my house, please do not do the washing up, as that makes me feel obliged to at least join you in the kitchen if not take up a cloth and do some drying. (Google)

3. My flatmate wants me to do the washing up after I
use the kitchen. (Google)

domestic wastes - domácí odpady

1. Human and domestic wastes in Fiji cause serious problems to the marine environment. (Google)

2. Hazardous domestic wastes (HDW) are everyday products that contain harmful matters. (Google)

3. A total of 3,785 million 1 of domestic wastes is emptied into the marine waters of southern California each day. (Google)

double bed - dvojlůžko

1. It is a large room with a double bed and furniture and internet connection. (Google)

2. "You have a double bed. That's so cute!" said the woman who used to help me clean my house. "You don't see double beds much any more." (Google)

3. The double-bed may occupy as much as a third of the room's area and never less than about 20 per cent. (Google)

draw the curtains - zatáhnout záclony

1. Lock the doors and draw the curtains. (Google)

2. I sunk in the cramped seat of the Eurolines bus, draw the curtains and closed my eyes. (Google)

3. You should draw the curtains at night. (Google)

dressing gown - župan

1. The regular wearing of a dressing gown by men about the house is derived from the 18th-century wearing of the banyan in orientalist imitation. (Google)

2. Different types of women's robes include the peignoir, which is a loose-fitting gown, or the negligee, a dressing gown made of a soft, sometimes sheer fabric. (Google)

3. We think there’s nothing better to step into after a long hot soak than this gorgeous dressing gown, with its silky smooth velour touch texture, terry interior and cosy hood. (Google)

dressing table - toaletní stolek

1. You might think them a luxury, but a good dressing table can help reduce bedroom clutter. (Google)

2. Having a suitable mirror cut to size is quite pricey, but you can still make yourself a mirrored dressing table for half the cost of buying one ready-made. (Gogle)

3. This sturdy dressing table provides a safe and convenient place to change and dress baby, plus two generous shelves for supplies. (Google)

drive home

zdůraznit důležitost (něčeho)

The teacher repeated the point three times just to drive it home. (Google)

I hope this really drives the importance of safety home to you. (Google)

The accident drove home the importance of wearing seatbelts to everyone concerned. (Google)

drive someone up the wall

dohánět (někoho) k šílenství

For the rest of the day all teenagers would be very grumpy and drive their parents up the wall. (BNC)

Driving your mother up the wall? (BNC)

This room drives me up the wall! (BNC)

dust off - utřít prach/oprášit

1. This evolving economy provides a great opportunity to dust off your old dream. (Google)

2. Durango Elks dusts off treasures from attic for museum. (Google)

3. Time to dust off those old essays/stories and share the wealth. (Google)


East or West, home is best! - Všude dobře, doma nejlíp.

1. Everyone who is not in their place of birth or the place they call "home", sometimes has those moments when you REALLY miss home. Those moments when you consider leaving your current life behind and returning home - just to be at home. East or West, home is best! (Google)

2. East or West, home is best - it's great to be back in Nairobi with the kids... (Google)

3. Many of our people do not want to create their happiness at home. They think that in any rich state they will be more happy. But East or West, Home is Best. (Google)

eat sb. out of house and home - vyjíst (někoho)

1. Baker said that nutria damage to wetlands stems from their feeding habits: Unlike muskrats, they eat everything in sight before moving on. "They literally eat themselves out of house and home," he said. (Google)

2. If goose populations were not controlled by our hunting season each year, they would eat themselves out of house and home. (Google)

3. We had agreed to push on towards our friend Tom's house, but we were afraid we'd eat him out of house and home if we arrived without food. (Google)

eat someone out of house and home

jíst hodně

That huge dog is eating us out of house and home. (Google)

The entire football team came over and ate poor Sally out of house and home. (Google)

The kids are eating her out of house and home. (Google)

electric fire

elektrický krb

She also left her electric fire, so I take that in too. (BNC)

Then I see the electric fire's still on. (BNC)

It's got an electric fire and food in the cupboards, and I got a cat and a sleeping bag and all sorts. (BNC)

entrance hall

vstupní hala; předsíň

The entrance hall of the hotel was as big as a railway station itself. (BNC)

The origins of the hotel are also apparent in the impressive entrance hall, cocktail bar and lounge. (BNC)

But at least they had removed the studio photograph of a royal princess which until recently had graced the entrance hall. (BNC)

everything but the kitchen sink

úplně všechno; hodně věcí

They took everything but the kitchen sink when they went on holiday. (Google)

Babsy Hepworth's bronzes, everything but the kitchen sink. (BNC)

I've played through it, recorded with it, connected it up to almost everything but the kitchen sink and every time it's delivered either the sound I wanted or something very close. (BNC)

everything but the kitchen sink - kromě umyvadla a plesových šatů (si sbalit) úplně všechno

1. Museum offers everything but the kitchen sink. Everything design, from peelers to posters. (Google)

2. She must have brought everything but the kitchen sink along on the trip, and how she lifted her suitcase, I do not know. (Google)

3. Our new car has every feature, everything but the kitchen sink. (Google)

extractor fan

sací ventilátor

Whilst the machine warmed up, in the din and hum of the extractor fan, he took out his two letters and read them again. (BNC)

The kitchen should be well ventilated, and an extractor fan is an efficient way of doing this without creating draughts. (BNC)

Tiled splash back, panelled bath, pedestal hand basin, low level WC, Vortice extractor fan. (BNC)


feel at home - udělat si pohodlí (cítit se jako doma)

1. I feel at home here and I enjoy the quality of life that this city has to offer. (Google)

2. The Olympic Village will provide the best quality of service possible and make the athletes feel at home. (Google)

3. When this thief breaks into a house, he likes to make himself feel at home and he takes his time, investigators said yesterday. (Google)

floor tiles

dlaždice, dlažba

Wall tile range includes borders, floor tiles include Provencal shape (BNC)

Range includes mosaics, wall and floor tiles. (BNC)

Range of quality reproduction Victorian & Art Nouveau embossed ceramic wall & floor tiles (for restoration work). (BNC)

fly off the handle - rozzlobit se / vybuchnout (vzteky)

1. If a post seems offensive, before you panic and fly off the handle, re-read the post and imagine it being said with a sideways grin. (Google)

2. My wife flew off the handle when I said she spent way too much money on ridiculously expensive designer clothes, ankle-breaking shoes and silly little handbags too small to carry anything in. (Google)

3. At this point he flew off the handle so badly and was swearing at me so much, calling me names and screaming in my face. (Google)

front room/living room - obývací pokoj

1. One grandmother's front room was a living room and the other's a bedroom. It was always the nicest and most welcoming room in the house. (Google)

2. Special attention has been given to the choices people made in furnishing their front room, the symbolism of particular objects and the links between objects and personal identity. (Google)

3. The front room looked so good, that it didn't matter how poor we were, we were decent people. (Google)

furnished flat/house - zařízený byt/dům

1. I am offering a furnished flat in central Munich near the river Isar. (Google)

2. This is a tenancy agreement of a furnished flat or apartment where the landlord lets the property as a 'shorthold' tenancy under the Housing Act 1988. (Google)

3. This is a newly built three bedrooms house in Sanchaba, it is a fully furnished house. (Google)


garden gnome

zahradní trpaslík

He called in Julian; a six-inch-tall red, white and blue garden gnome! (BNC)

I had to dive in the corner and make like a garden gnome… (BNC)

Notice garden gnome with little fishing rod is missing from pond. (BNC)


velice obyčejný

Mine are your everyday garden-variety blue. (BNC)

People who want to use Pentium or write garden-variety software for it reportedly don't need it. (BNC)

It´s just a garden-variety shopping mall, large but not special in any way.(Google)

gas fire

plynový krb

We could turn on the artificial gas fire! (BNC)

The old open fireplace had been boarded in and a single gas fire now burned in the hearth. (BNC)

It had minimal busted furniture, yellow walls and a gas fire. (BNC)

get foot in the door

dokončit první krok (v nějakém procesu)

Swallow explained: they had a low-key attitude to the region and had just wanted to get a foot in the door. (BNC)

His parting advice to those interested in taking the challenge was: keep an ear to the ground, your back to the wheel and get your foot in the door. (BNC)

I'm not saying it happened on this occasion, but it is not unknown for a private company to take a loss on government contracts to get a foot in the door. (BNC)

get in on the ground floor

být do něčeho zpojený od začátku

Can someone tell me how you get in on the ground floor of a money-making deal like that? (Google)

After just two days on the market, the software group has shot up from 70p to 113p; great news for the institutions who got in on the ground floor. (BNC)

You are in on the ground floor of something very, very exciting! (BNC)

get on like a house on fire

vycházet s někým velice dobře

I was worried that they wouldn't like each other, but in fact they're getting on like a house on fire. (Google)

Selina and I get on like a house on fire. (BNC)

We get on like a house on fire -- now we no longer live together. (BNC)

get on like a house on fire - vycházet (s někým) velice dobře

1. Me and Tarzan, yeah we get on like a house on fire. (Google)

2. I'll introduce you to my brothers, you'd get on like a house on fire. (Google)

3. I went for a single share, where P&O matched me up with another lone traveller in a twin cabin. Luckily, we get on like a house on fire. (Google)

get one's own house in order - zamést si před vlastním prahem

1. So to those who would point the finger at the IRA for the current difficulties in the peace process I say: "Get your own house in order." (Google)

2. So before you go whining about all your bad luck, it's time to get your OWN house in order first. (Google)

3. Understand what your own engineers are telling you and make sure it is the truth. Often times they will gloss over deficiencies or soft-sell benefits. Get your own house in order before you go on the road to demonstrate the product or write the press kit. (Google)

get out of bed on the wrong side - vstát z postele zadkem napřed / špatně se vyspat

1. You must have got out of bed on the wrong side to be so cross about so small a matter. (Google)

2. It looks like someone got out of bed on the wrong side and is going to make everyone else pay for it. (Google)

3. I must have got out of bed on the wrong side this morning. I'm not normally as critical as this! (Google)

get your own house in order

zamést si nejprve před svým vlastním prahem

You should get your own house in order before telling me what to do! (Google)

Ian has plenty of problems of his own, so he needs to get his own house in order before he starts telling other people how to live their lives. (Google)

Al Gore, get your own house in order before you lecture me. (Google)

give house room to - udělat v domě místo pro (něco) / natahat si do domu (co)

1. I wouldn't give house room to that lamp. It's horrible! (Google)

2. Some thirty-five years on I don't have that old guitar any more. [...] It was actually, I now know, a very cheaply-made instrument with a very dull sound that I wouldn't give house room to these days, but it was good enough for me to learn on. (Google)

3. I have nets at my windows to stop people nosing into my house, but I wouldn't give house room to these horrible, fussy, frilly curtains. I like my nets to be plain and brilliant white. (Google)

go home in a box - dostat se domů v dřevěné truhle

1. I just want to re-start my life but I'm so afraid of being victimised now. I don't want to go home in a box. (Google)

2. The urge to drink can be powerful, but impaired drivers go home in a box. (Google)

3. Experienced expatriates in Russia shared an essential rule: Don't cross these brutal billionaires, ever, or you're likely to go home in a box. (Google)

go out of the window - vyletět oknem / "jít do kytek"

1. As preconceived questions began to go out of the window, Gwyneth's interviews became more well-rounded. (Google)

2. If I was out, and I was taking E., everything else would go out of the window, and I would just party and have a good time, and the rest of it. (Google)

3. If I eat just one slice of pizza, my whole diet will go out of the window. (Google)

go through the roof

být velice naštvaný

Tarquin and Lucretia go through the roof. (BNC)

She was what had happened and went through the roof. (Google)

My father went through the roof when he saw what I did to the car. (Google)

go to bed late - chodit spát pozdě

1. College students who go to bed late are more likely to have poor quality sleep, which may affect their mental health and academic performance. (Google)

2. I go to bed late (midnight) and get up between 5 and 6 am I get up a lot during the night. (Google)

3. I want to be a morning person, but have always fought my body that wants to go to bed late and get up late, and get about 10 hrs sleep. (Google)

go to sleep - usnout

1. Never go to sleep angry. (Google)

2. Pam tries to keep the squirrel as a pet, which works fine for Matt because he thinks he can just squirrel into his room, go to sleep, and wake up cured. (Google)

3. I don't think there's a cure for me, cause I am a fool as you can see. My body really wants to weep, my brain is yelling: "Go to sleep!" (Google)

grandfather clock

vysoké stojací hodiny

The muffled tick of the grandfather clock echoed in one corner. (BNC)

We would visit her on occasions and I remember she had a rather splendid grandfather clock. (BNC)

Just like that old grandfather clock the memories of those precious moments last for ever. (BNC)

ground floor - přízemí

1. This is the plan for the ground floor. 2 reception rooms, kitchen, dining room, utility room, study, entrance hall, double garage and a storage room. (Google)

2. Many buildings suffer from rot and insect attack in their ground floor timbers and this is mainly due to poor sub floor ventilation. (Google)

3. All of these properties have bedrooms on the ground floor. (Google)


handheld mixer - ruční šlehač

1. A wimpy mixer will make you very, very unhappy. On the other hand, a good handheld mixer will be a joy to use - and it will last. (Google)

2. The handheld mixer is more powerful and can beat heavier ingredients. (Google)

3. But, every time I've re-read the recipe, I've realised afresh that I simply can't make it without an electric handheld mixer. (Google)

have a lie-in - ještě si poležet v posteli (po probuzení)

1. I was trying to have a lie-in, but can't, directly outside my window some wankers in boiler suits are mucking about with the pavement. (Google)

2. But if I can have a lie-in, I will happily stay in bed to til the afternoon! (Google)

3. At first I was excited that I could have a lie-in in the morning and go to bed late at night. But as the class starts at 10 p.m., I end up losing concentration. (Google)

have a nap - schrupnout si

1. Well, it's actually a good weather to have a nap. (Google)

2. If you have a nap you resist very well all afternoon till late. (Google)

3. Everyone should have a nap, naps make you stronger and more alert for later on the day. (Google)

have a roof over your head - mít střechu nad hlavou

1. With the current economy, it's more clear than ever that you should be thankful if you have a roof over your head. (Google)

2. It is particularly important to have a roof over your head during the cold time of the year. However, something many people take for granted is sheer luxury for others. (Google)

3. There is that certain point in your life where you become homeless. Even if you have a roof over your head your sense of home becomes a land of confusion. (Google)

have a skeleton in the cupboard / in the closet - mít kostlivce ve skříni (= mít tajemství)

1. Do you have a skeleton in the cupboard that you are desperately trying to keep hidden? What guilty burden are you carrying from the past? (Google)

2. Andrew Laurence: "Most of us have a skeleton in the cupboard." "Yes," I said, "but a gun is easier to conceal." (Google)

3. The many people I have contacted and spoken to in the course of researching and writing my book have convinced me that the old adage is true – every family does have a skeleton in the cupboard. (Google)

have a wash - umýt se

1. So time is right for however long it take you to have a wash. (Google)

2. Everyday I get up, have a wash, clean my teeth, do some cleaning around the home, then go to school. (Google)

3. Have a wash every day and especially care of the axillary and inguinal hollows as well as of your intimate hygiene. (Google)

have breakfast - nasnídat se

1. The author Somerset Maugham once quipped that "the only way to eat well in England is to have breakfast three times a day." (Google)

2. Have you ever forgotten to have breakfast? (Google)

3. I have breakfast at seven every day. (Google)

hearth and home

rodina a domov

Their women were their pride and treasure, for bed, for hearth and home, for showing off, for their manhood. (BNC)

His first loyalties are to hearth and home. (Google)

hit the ceiling

rozčílit se

"Sorry." he said as Perdita nearly hit the ceiling. (BNC)

Why should you go clucking around them like a mother hen, just because they both hit the ceiling? (BNC)

If I´m late again he´ll hit the roof. (Google)

hit the roof - vybouchnout (o člověku)

1. When the boss saw Jim's mistake, he hit the roof. He yelled and thumped the desk and told Jim to get out. (Google)

2. When Johnny's dad found out that he'd been smoking cigarettes, he hit the roof. (Google)

3. The professor hit the roof when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question. (Google)

hold the fort - zaskočit za (koho)

1. Can you hold the fort while I run down to the bank? (Google)

2. Your job will be to serve customers, and occasionally hold the fort if I have to go out. (Google)

3. When news of that raid reached Montreal, 140 men under the command of Major Charles Preston were immediately dispatched to hold the fort. (Google)

home comforts

věci, díky kterým se člověk cítí pohodlně

Our hotel room has all the home comforts, such as a coffee maker, reading lamp, nice soaps in the bathroom… (Google)

The worse things got for this cheerful pilgrim, the better to enjoy our home comforts. (BNC)

Good food, warmth and home comforts. (BNC)

home comforts - (věci, které dělají) domácí pohodlí

1. Noel has previously admitted that he misses his home comforts when he is away on tour. (Google)

2. The singer, more widely known for her love of alcohol and drugs, has asked organisers of the St Lucia Jazz Festival to provide her with some home comforts she is missing on the Caribbean island. (Google)

3. Our hotel room has all the home comforts, such as a coffee maker, reading lamp, nice soaps in the bathroom... (Google)

home free

v bezpečí a bez problémů

If we can complete these last two projects, we'll be home free. (Wiktionary)

Everyone else had a lot of trouble with the bureaucrats, but we got home free. (Google)

The moment Danjit, jostling the pilot, shouted back: "We're home free, guys!" (BNC)

home in

zamířit k něčemu

She came into the room and homed in on the chocolate cake. (Google)

She saw the cake and homed in. (Google)

home loan - půjčka na koupi domu

1. Call today for a free consultation from a home loan expert or visit our Home Equity section online to utilize mortgage calculators and home loan rate tools. (Google)

2. Refinancing a home loan becomes very popular for people and families that would like to lower their monthly payments, cash out money, or for other benefits. (Google)

3. If only 31% of your monthly salary is going towards your home loan then you should definitely have enough money to pay for it. (Google)

home stretch/straight - cílová rovinka

1. Now the home stretch will see us complete our due diligence on all of the remaining prospects of interest. (Google)

2. We are at the home stretch and we need the push and the help from the community. (Google)

3. Once all the texts are in one single document, you are on the home stretch, and the countdown can begin. (Google)

home study - domácí studium

1. Gain qualifications in Business, IT, Care, Education, Construction, Engineering, Beauty and Fitness, plus GCSEs, A Levels and Degrees through home study. (Google)

2. Oklahoma Home Study is a licensed agency that provides both domestic and international adoption home study services and adoption post-placement services for Oklahoma. (Google)

3. Become a meditation teacher, 24 hours of home-study, Certificate awarded. (Google)

home theatre - domácí kino

1. In the late 1990s, home theatre technology progressed with the development of DVD, Dolby Digital 5.1-channel audio ("surround sound"), and High-Definition Television. (Google)

2. We do design home theatre sound and video systems, primarily dedicated home theatre rooms with fixed theatre-type seating. (Google)

3. Shoppers can waste their hard-earned money if they buy the home theatre equipment that doesn't suit their needs or their homes. (Google)

home truth - nepříjemná, hořká pravda

1. Service tax is a home truth now Housing societies can no longer escape the Service Tax net. (Google)

2. It's not like it was an epiphany or anything so profound like that, nothing I didn't know before but I guess that's why you call it a home truth. (Google)

3. It is a home truth that our universities suffer from diverse problems that continue to retard our growth and stunt our development. (Google)


tesknící po domově; nostalgický

I'm homesick for you. (BNC)

We knew you'd get all lonely and homesick. (BNC)

Suddenly I felt homesick, even before I left, and quietly raged at the royal bastard's devious plans. (BNC)


domácí úkol

Our teachers give us a ton of homework. (Google)

But you've seen me doing my homework, haven't you? (BNC)

She decided to do some scientific homework herself. (BNC)

hoover the carpet - vyluxovat koberec

1. He sold the patent to William Hoover, who became so successful that we now ' hoover' the carpet. (Google)

2. I usually hoover the carpet first then commence steaming and have done this throughout the house on long and short carpets. (Google)

3. I thought maybe I should hoover the carpet as the stain may be simply on top of the carpet and hoover away! No such luck. (Google)

household jobs - domácí práce

1. We need a maid for household jobs from afternoon till the evening. (Google)

2. Parents' ideas and practices regarding monetary payments and children's household jobs have been considered as an index of more general values related to what children should learn and what parents should do. (Google)

3. Many household jobs/chores should not be done following surgery for a stoma. (Google)


in the toilet

ve špatném stavu

The economy is rapidly going in the toilet and the country is in a mess. (Google)

Was I in the toilet? (BNC)

`In the toilet,' said Lee. (BNC)

interest rate

úroková sazba

So the interest rate should also be adjusted for inflation. (BNC)

Interest rate is fixed throughout the whole term. (BNC)

France also jacked up its key bank interest rate from 10.5 per cent to a crippling 13 per cent.(BNC)

interior decorator

malíř pokojů; bytový architekt

She's an interior decorator. (BNC)

These were not the trappings of some Victorianising interior decorator. (BNC)

He went round his customers, the publishers of trade magazines and in-house company newspapers, like an interior decorator with a book of samples. (BNC)


keep house

zvládat domácnost

I hate to keep house. (Google)

I´d rather live in a tent than keep house. (Google)

My mother kept house for nearly sixty years. (Google)

keep the home fires burning - udržovat oheň rodinného krbu

1. Here are a few more ways you can keep the home fires burning: Have a date night that is set in stone. (Google)

2. With your assistance your loved one can keep the home fires burning in a safe and friendly environment. (Google)

3. So Manchester United keep the home fires burning, not in the most incandescent style but with enough sustained spark to reignite their quest for dominance in Europe. (Google - The Telegraph)

kitchen unit

kuchyňská linka

He leaned back against the kitchen unit and folded his arms, his eyes skimming over her slim figure suggestively. (BNC)

Kitchen specialist shops, builders' merchants and the kitchen sections of department stores will often concentrate on the more expensive (but high quality) rigid ranges of kitchen unit. (BNC)

Only reason I've got one of these bloody poxy Hotpoint because they can fit right into my kitchen unit. (BNC)

kitchen unit - kuchyňská linka

1. The integrated kitchen unit intended to make preparation, eating, and cleaning easier and more intuitive than the existing solution. (Google)

2. The invention relates to a kitchen unit for the handling of portions of household garbage at the source, i.e. in the individual households, said kitchen unit being in the form of a box, which fits into a kitchen table. (Google)

3. This model of an integrated dishwasher requires building into a kitchen unit and the control are hidden from view. (Google)


zobrazující život obyčejných lidí

t was to be the first of the kitchen-sink comedies, but, unfortunately, it was not released for three years, making it the last of the kitchen-sink comedies. (BNC)

Kitchen-sink drama came into fashion in the 1950s. (Google)

In his latest work, he is moving away from kitchen-sink realism towards a more experimental style of painting. (Google)


letter box

poštovní schránka

1 sprayed the letter box with insect repellent. (BNC)

Rodbourne was a beautiful hamlet with just 100 residents, a church, a phone box and letter box. (BNC)

Recorded delivery packets must not be dropped into a letter box. (BNC)

lightning conductor


Franklin had also been invited to advise Glasgow University in the matter of a lightning conductor. (BNC)

Glasgow's first lightning conductor drank the power of creation and waited for more. (BNC)

Like the lightning conductor, the University waited to channel the energy of a coming storm, the new-born power and majesty of original ideas and invention that would spread from Glasgow and across the world. (BNC)

like a house on fire - rychle, intenzivně, jako po másle

1. Bioenergy - Catching on like a house on fire or set for slow burn? (Google)

2. The new product took off like a house on fire. (Google)

3. His key message was that HIV/AIDS is like a "House on Fire" for the Black community and that we must put out the fire instead of focusing on why it happened, what caused it and who is to blame. (Google)

loft conversion

půdní vestavba, nástavba

Done in a sympathetic way, a loft conversion can blend in almost anywhere. (BNC)

Provided there is space you will be able to install a traditional-style staircase for access to your loft conversion. (BNC)

We put the tacker through its paces on a loft conversion. (BNC)

log cabin


He lived alone in a log cabin beside the lake, his only company a portable radio and television. (BNC)

She lived all by herself in a log cabin surrounded by a garden in which she grew vegetables. (BNC)

Robert is a trapper and Helen is his wife and they live in the log cabin. (BNC)

look a mess

vypadat strašně

Many of the new shops look a mess. (BNC)

I can't bear to look at myself in a mirror; I know I look a mess most of the time. (BNC)

Her swollen lips burned and she knew she must look a mess. (BNC)

lumber room - komora (na staré nepoužívané věci)

1. The key was as important as it looked; it was the instrument which kept the mysteries of the lumber-room secure from unauthorised intrusion, which opened a way only for aunts and such-like privileged persons. (Google)

2. Lumber room where the objects belonging to the tenants are stored is a model of Communal Apartment. (Google)

3. Apart from that, the lumber room is primary used as broom closet (e.g. a vacuum cleaner, brooms, a laundry racks, ... can be found here). (Google)


magazine rack

stojan na časopisy

Yeah, I never though of that and I doubt if I get it now, all I think was well I know that I got it in the magazine rack. (BNC)

If what you want is to peruse a publication like Big Women, you'll find it in a discreet magazine rack in a corner of the Smoking Room. (BNC)

A magazine rack overflowed with rolled newspapers: they had obviously arrived by post, but many were unopened, as though Reid hadn't had time to catch up with news that must have been at least a month old. (BNC)

make furniture

vyrábět nábytek

Taiwanese firms build steel mills in Nigeria and make furniture in Malaysia. (BNC)

Well we'll start off at the top of Road and on the one side there was the furniture people they used to make furniture. (BNC)

make oneself at home - cítit se jako doma

1. When we arrived at my apartment, I showed my guests the sofa and said, "Make yourself at home." Bill certainly knows how to make himself at home. (Google)

2. When you visit your in-laws one of the first things you will hear is "just make yourself at home". (Google)

3. So the simple way to recognize the anti-Christ in this life (as there are many) is to watch for those special words – ‘Make yourself at home’ when the scriptures and your discernment tell you ‘It’s time to go.’ (Google)

make the bed - ustlat postel

1. Making a bed may not seem like the most necessary chore, but a made bed helps a room seem less cluttered and more organized. (Google)

2. Charley does not like me to make the bed. He'll hop up onto the middle of it and growl to protect it. (Google)

3. This is going to sound a little nuts, but because one side of my bed is flanked by a big bookshelf/room divider, I make the bed while I'm still in it and slide out and straighten as necessary once I'm out. (Google)

make yourself at home

chovat se jako doma; udělat si pohodlí

Please make yourself at home, then. (BNC)

Make yourself at home while I fix you a coffee. (BNC)

Look around, make yourself at home. (BNC)

manor house

zámek, panský dům

Contact Mary Edwards at the Manor House, Alford, Lincs. (BNC)

Stable buildings at the rear of the Manor House have been converted for the display of reptiles, amphibians and fishes. (BNC)

The general office is situated on the ground floor of the Manor House. (BNC)

meat grinder - mlýnek na maso

1. All this talk of building a better burger encouraged me to go out and buy a kitchenaid meat grinder attachment. (Google)

2. A meat grinder allows you to buy whole meat and then grind it yourself. (Google)

3. Incomplete sanitation of a meat grinder and ingestion of raw ground beef: contributing factors to a large outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium infection. (Google)

medicine cabinet


Your house is too big and your medicine cabinet is too small. (BNC)

My daughter has a well-stocked medicine cabinet. (BNC)

These kits really are a must for any home medicine cabinet. (BNC)

Men make houses, women make homes. - Muž postaví dům, ale teprve žena v něm vytvoří domov.

1. The cleaning fluid company pressed home the message 'This friendly hearth, this
shining room remind us that while men make houses women make homes'. (Google)

2. When William moved into his own apartment, his mother insisted on choosing and arranging the furniture and decorations for him. "Men make houses, women make homes," she said, "and I want you to have a home as nice as the one you grew up in." (Google)

3. Men make houses. Women make homes. Most definitely. But is that because the sexual organs of men project out of their bodies while those of women do not? Balderdash! Since ages, women have been associated with homes, not because of their sex organs, but because of the fact that they get pregnant and bear children. (Google)

mobile home

obytný přívěs

One smoke alarm may be enough if you live in a mobile home or a small bungalow. (BNC)

Our mobile home was well equipped with two bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen. (BNC)

All in all, in 1975 it was estimated that some 145,000 persons lived in a mobile home of some type. (BNC)

money from home

lehce získané peníze

There is nothing to a simple con job like this. It´s money from home. (Google)

This job is like taking candy from a kid. It´s money from home. (Google)

The Women's Guide to Starting Your Own Business by Deborah Fowler (Thorsons, £6.99) is really helpful and includes ideas on different ways of earning money from home by jewellery-making, picture-framing, etc. (BNC)


nest of tables

sada stolků

Well I thought what's grandma done with her nest of tables?  (BNC)

Charles Forster, prosecuting, said Ganguly had stolen a nest of tables and was seen by police. (BNC)

One day the settee is opposite the door, the next it is where the telly was before it was swapped round with the nest of tables. (BNC)

nothing to write home about

něco, co není tak dobré, jak člověk očekával

I went to that new restaurant last night. It's nothing to write home about. (Google)

Jill: I went to see a movie last night. Jane: How was it? Jill: Nothing to write home about. (Google)

Nothing to write home about, forget it. (BNC)

nothing to write home about - nestát za zmínku/řeč

1. Fall weather is nothing to write home about. (Google)

2. Alabama's high-school graduation rate is nothing to write home about, unless you plan on writing that you are dreadfully sorry and embarrassed it is so low. (Google)

3. Steiku Haoss: Good restaurant but nothing to write home about. (Google)

nuts and bolts

základ, základní princip; matice a šrouby

The computer takes care of the nuts and bolts of the composition, the component Dr Mathews calls its predetermined part. (BNC)

That meant that they could not stand the Central Office youths involved in the nuts and bolts of the campaign. (BNC)

 Jay comes from a different end of the spectrum to Dave Ambrose, but the two both like to talk nuts and bolts. (BNC)


on the carpet

mít problémy; dostat se do potíží

He´s going to be on the carpet for his rudeness.

And then eight or nine weeks after my happy entry into College I was on the carpet. (BNC)

Well, all this business putting me on the carpet… implying that I might leave you short. (BNC)

on the cutting room floor

nezahrnutý, nepoužitý

Some real ballplayers were used in the movie´s baseball scenes, but they ended up on the cutting room floor. (Google)

In the rush to finish this session, legislatores left some very important bills on the cutting room floor. (Google)

And some violent scenes - accepted for US TV - were also left on the cutting room floor. (BNC)

on the house

na účet podniku

Here," said the waiter, "have a cup of coffee on the house." (Google)

I went to a restaurant last night. I was the ten thousandth customer, so my dinner was on the house. (Google)

First drink is on the house. (BNC)

on the house - na účet podniku (fyzické osoby, ...) => free

1. A new soul food restaurant opens downtown today, and it wants its debut to be a sweet experience for its customers. Dessert on the House. (Google)

2. Once, the owner of a restaurant gave us a dinner on the house. We did not have to pay for our meals. (Google)

3. A generous helping of frosting can also be used to create the effect of snow on the house! (Google)

oven mitt - chňapka (v kuchyni - na uchopení horkých věcí)

1. Silicone oven mitt is more than just a fancy kitchen tool. (Google)

2. I thought I'd ease the journey this year with the undeniable pleasure of a handknit oven mitt. (Google)

3. This is no ordinary oven mitt—it fits like a glove, and its sleek design and colorful patterns would certainly be at home on the Milan runways. (Google)


paper towel - papírová utěrka

1. As the water moves through the paper towel, it leaves behind the individual colors that had been mixed together in the marker. (Google)

2. To make the paper towel unit look less blocky, we need to round off the base of the paper towel holder. (Google)

3. While paper towel and hot air dryers involve about the same amount of energy over their lifetimes, making paper takes more resources and produces more pollution. (Google)

pillow slip - povlak na polštář

1. With a bit of color and a lovely loop, I created this modern accent pillow slip. (Google)

2. Lizzie should get a bit of wear from this pillow slip dress eventually. It's made from a lovely thin cotton which will be perfect for super hot summer days. (Google)

3. My child, age 7, was recently given a gift of a matching duvet and pillow slip with images of planets and spaceships that glow in the dark. (Google)

poor soil

špatná půda

Plant Iris unguicularis in free-draining, poor soil in a sheltered position. (BNC)

It is well suited to poor soil and ideal if you want to plant a traditional orchard. (BNC)

The echinops tribe thrives in full sun and poor soil. (BNC)

pressure cooker - tlakový hrnec

1. Why do we need to use a pressure-cooker if we are canning vegetables? The answer is because we need to be certain that ALL of the little critters which may be present in the form of spores are killed. (Google)

2. I hope this little tutorial has helped convince you that with careful handling, a pressure cooker can be a safe, quick, and economical way to cook. (Google)

3. Learn some tips and tricks for using a pressure cooker, safety information, and find some great recipes for this quick cooking appliance. (Google)

put on one's pyjamas - obléct si pyžamo

1. If it was late I would put on my pyjamas and go to bed and go to sleep. (Google)

2. The consul rinsed himself well, put on his pyjamas, slippers and went straight to bed. (Google)

3. Andrew set her up with a bucket (for sudden vomiting) and she was so exhausted she didn't even put on her pyjamas. (Google)


raise the roof

dělat velký hluk, být hlučný

You can choose between a vast selection of bars, all with English or English speaking staff, and take your pick out of the 6 or 7 nightclubs that raise the roof until the small hours. (BNC)

Dolly wanted to scream, to raise the roof and to wake Joe. (BNC)

There will be a great variety but over the day some carols may be repeated because we want to make sure we have enough truly popular ones so people can sing along and raise the roof. (BNC)

reclining chair

křeslo s nastavitelným opěradlem

She lowered herself carefully into her reclining chair. (BNC)

Hastily Stevens laid down his book on Third World debt and straightened his reclining chair. (BNC)

She read it through and then sat for a long time on the white strips of the reclining chair in which she had first seen Signor Fixit. (BNC)

red-carpet treatment

velice speciální zacházení; královské zacházení

Why're they getting the red-carpet treatment? (BNC)

I love to go to fancy stores where I get the red-carpet treatment. (Google)

The queen expects to get the red-carpet treatment wherever she goes. (Google)

remote control - dálkové ovládání

1. Design a remote control with as many buttons as there are channels on TV. (Google)

2. Beo5 – the universal programmable remote control with LCD touch sensitive screen. (Google)

3. It is entirely possible to create a basic TV Remote Control using lists and CSS. (Google)

rocking chair

houpací židle/křeslo

There are no easy chairs, save for a single wooden rocking chair; no cushions, save for three ornamental ones in a corner. (BNC)

In a rocking chair stood a brilliantly coloured cockerel and his pure white wife. (BNC)

It was a rocking chair, its weight shifting from the person in it. (BNC)

rolling pin - váleček na těsto

1. Make rolling easier and more effective by choosing a heavy rolling pin. (Google)

2. With this rolling pin, preparing homemade pastry dough is practically foolproof – even if it's your first time. (Google)

3. This smooth, sturdy, stoneware rolling pin with red wooden handles is both a decorative and a functional kitchen tool. (Google)


safe as houses

velice bezpečný

This plan is as safe as houses. It can't fail! (Google)

The ugly ones are as safe as houses, aren't they, Jenny? And the speaker turned to one who was certainly not beautiful. (BNC)

Renting is as safe as houses. (BNC)

safe as houses - velice bezpečný

1. Investments in properties will one day become as safe as houses again. (Google)

2. Your data online: safe as houses. (Google)

3. Claims that these investments were as safe as houses turned out to be too good to be true. (Google)

security chain

bezpečnostní řetěz

A patio door could be the weak link in your domestic security chain. (BNC)

The door opened, a few inches only, the limit of a security chain. (BNC)

A windy night, isn't it?'; he says --; which is self-evident as you shiver, peering at him past the security chain on the door while struggling to keep yourself decent. (BNC)

set the alarm clock - nastavit budík

1. Ritualistically, I set the alarm clocks. The battered, mechanical clock next to my pillow. (Google)

2. Here's how to set the alarm clock on your phone. (Google)

3. Every night before I go to sleep I set the alarm clock to 6 am. (Google)

sheets and blankets

ložní prádlo

Sheets and blankets are continuous sleeves, threaded through the cleaning head. (BNC)

Alida began to think about where she might go, as she piled sheets and blankets on to the floor. (BNC)

Try going back to sheets and blankets after sleeping under a duvet and you'll probably agree! (BNC)

shopping district

nákupní zóna

This street would not look out of place in London's most fashionable shopping district. (BNC)

On 24 May, 100,000 people marched through the Causeway Bay shopping district. (BNC)

The riverside section of Pest opposite Castle Hill is the city's main shopping district. (BNC)

shower curtain

závěs u sprchy

I pulled back the shower curtain, exposing her fully. (BNC)

There was a shadow on the shower curtain, a human-shape holding something in an upraised arm. (BNC)

The dummy was still propped over the desk, the shower curtain drawn. (BNC)

sit on the fence - sedět jedním zadkem na dvou židlích / nemoct se rozhodnout

1. Don't panic on financing, but don't sit on the fence either! (Google)

2. Many people are just sitting on the fence out there waiting, pondering, doodling and noodling about whether or not to buy a home. (Google)

3. The best strategy then, in my view, is to sit on the fence and adopt a 'wait and see' approach for at least the first few holes. (Google)

sitting room/living room - obývací pokoj

1. Which one do you prefer? Playing poker over the internet or playing with a set of friends in your sitting room. (Google)

2. Lady Ranfurly's sitting room was a typically busy-looking Victorian interior, crowded with pictures, ornaments and flowers. (Google)

3. As the toddler sleeps in the middle of the sitting room floor, I remember the electronics we had as a kid. (Google)

slam the door

prásknout dveřmi

He stepped from the car and turned to slam the door. (BNC)

He managed to slam the door before the obese Gloriana, one of his five cats, escaped in search of a mate. (BNC)

Manville saw the passenger jump out of the car and slam the door. (BNC)

sliding door

zasouvací dveře

And then, just as the foyer was beginning to take on a shabby, comfortable look, the lift arrived, an elegant black and gilt box with a sliding door. (BNC)

Gloria closed the sliding door, pulled down the blinds, and switched off the six lamps which Dot had just put on. (BNC)

They arrived at the sliding door entrance to the bridge. (BNC)

smoke like a chimney - hulit jak fabrika

1. Is it good manners to smoke like a chimney in your home if you have non-smoking guests? (Google)

2. Now I drink like a fish, swear like a trooper, sing like a strangled mongoose and, yes, smoke like a chimney. (Google)

3. My mother, before she stopped smoking, used to smoke like a chimney. (Google)

sore muscles

bolavé svaly

Yes, that was just the thing to soothe her and relax sore muscles. (BNC)

Had expected to be sore or tired from the previous day but I felt great and was never tired, no sore muscles or any blisters on the entire trip. (BNC)

Squeezing strokes help restore you after a tiring day by alleviating tension from tight, sore muscles. (BNC)

soup ladle - naběračka

1. We needed a new soup ladle, after our old, cheap one broke after many years of use. (Google)

2. A Central Otago woman faces a prison sentence after beating her son with a soup ladle. (Google)

3. Serve soups and bisques in style with this large soup ladle. High standards of production ensure long lasting performance and durability. (Google)

spare room - pokoj pro hosty

1. Another way to make money out of a spare room is by providing a home stay to students. (Google)

2. It may be a privilege to prepare the place where a guest will sleep, but what about when that privilege involves offering up a spare room to a dying friend? (Google)

3. A spare room can be such a useful room. You can use it as a library or a storage room. (Google)

stately home

zámeček, panské sídlo na venkově

Later this rosebud spent a weekend at the stately home of a young lord. (BNC)

Living in a stately home is an art, acquired by upbringing. (BNC)

The magnificent stately home of Woburn is only 12 miles away. (BNC)

step ladder


Due to the exceptional demand for a quality platform step ladder in our Special Offers last year, this year we are offering the Goldstar four-tread step ladder. (BNC)

Do you use proper steps or a step ladder to reach things in high places?

Lorton perched on the step ladder. (BNC)

switch off the light - zhasnout

1. Actually on that day, my university hostel authorities have a programme that urges us to switch off the light! (Google)

2. Switch off the light when you are not in the room, John! (Google)

3. On January 16 at 8 p.m. simply switch off the light for 15 minutes and light candles of Freedom in the windows! (Google)


take the floor

vstát a říct něco divákům

When I take the floor, I´ll make a shor speech. (Google)

The last time you took the floor, you talked for an hour. (Google)

Because of the Bank Holiday, the hearing resumes at 2pm instead of 10am on Tuesday, when local authorities' barristers take the floor. (BNC)

take the waste/rubbish out - vynést odpadky

1. The Council is unable to provide this service where there is a person living in the household that can take the waste out on collection day. (Google)

2. The court document indicates he used a small boat docked behind the house to take the waste out and dump it. (Google)

3. So the bottom line is to take the waste out of there. There's a lot of waste in there. (Google)

talking to a brick wall - mluvit do zdi

1. He never listens to what I’m saying. It’s like talking to a brick wall. (Textbook)

2. I've tried to tell her, but it's like talking to a brick wall. (Google)

3. I have tried to talk to his father about his behavior but talking to him is like talking to a brick wall. (Google)

tape measure


They were asked to monitor their progress not only with scales but with a tape measure. (BNC)

Four inches long and four inches around; take a tape measure and check for yourself. (BNC)

The tape measure is a much more accurate way of assessing your progress. (BNC)

terraced house (GB)

řadový dům

Christmas in Kate and John Dyson's Victorian terraced house is a gathering together of the family after a hectic run-up to the holiday. (BNC)

Again supporters and the press gathered outside the terraced house in Kirkwall that serves as Orkney's Children's Panel Offices. (BNC)

Three photos of her dead son hang on the walls of their council terraced house. (BNC)

terrestrial phone - pevná linka

1. Calls from one terminal to another go up to the satellite network and directly down to the called handset, bypassing the terrestrial phone network. (Google)

2. That being said, leave the terrestrial phone line out of this! (Google)

3. These downlinks are primarily used for calls that need to be routed into the terrestrial phone system. (Google)

the boy next door

člověk, který je obyčejný, není slavný ani bohatý

We couldn´t believe it when he got a record deal. To us, he was just the boy next door. (Google)

Jeans are a staple part of everyone's wardrobe; from the boy next door to the rich and famous. (BNC)

So your dad said, well I was the boy next door but one. (BNC)

the house is a mess - v domě je nepořádek

1. We're moving tomorrow and the house is a mess. What is the fastest way to clean it? (Google)

2. Weekends are for family time so we don't care if the house is a mess. (Google)

3. Why the house is a mess and no Christmas decor out yet? (Google)

there's no place like home

všude dobře, doma nejlépe

What a great holiday! Still, there's no place like home. (Google)

"It feels so good to be home." "There's no place like home." (Google)

After his long trip, Bob came into his house, sat down in his favorite chair, and happily sighed, "There´s no place like home." (Google)

there's no place like home - nad domov není

1. But "there's no place like home" and so I had to get up at 4am - the hospital is literally less than a mile from home. (Google)

2. Some grass is greener, but there's no place like home. (Google)

3. England is home and there's no place like home. That's what Britain means to me. (Google)

through the back door

nelegálně, nečestně

Bennett had many friends in city government and was known for getting jobs for his friends through the back door. (Google)

Salesmen are constantly trying to push their products by offering special gifts through the back door. (Google)

Did classical theory surreptitiously admit the quantity theory of money; a theory which only holds good at full employment; through the back door in order to fix the price level independently of the level of money wages?  (BNC)

throw money down the drain

plýtvat penězmi

If you ask me, by giving your son all that money, you're really throwing money down the drain. (Google)

Don't throw your money down the drain! (Google)

Mobile users throw money down the drain. (Google)

tidy up - uklidit

1. Every so often I ask him to tidy up, and he complains and moans, and asks why it matters to me. (Google)

2. When time is short and tidying up needs to be done, it is important to be quick as you go about cleaning up. (Google)

3. I got the bright idea to "tidy up " a bit so I created a folder where I could easily find it, and moved the single pix there and then deleted the original folders. (Google)

to lay/set the table with a cloth - dát ubrus na stůl

1. I take the time to set the table with a cloth, cloth napkins, and our nice dishes because it helps me feel good as a woman. (Google)

2. Maurice set the table with a cloth and matching napkins. (Google)

3. They set the table with a cloth made from spiders silk, pour glasses of iguana milk and pick a lovely dead flower from the garden. (Google)

toilet seat

záchodové prkénko

They recruited 205 members of the public to test new types of toilet seat. (BNC)

Subjects were asked to try five types of toilet seat ranking them in order of preference. (BNC)

It always protects he even pulls the toilet seat down, (BNC)

towel rail

držák na ručníky

Kicking off his muddy wellingtons, he walked across to the towel rail on the far side of the old-fashioned kitchen. (BNC)

It was a clean, white, rather clinical-looking room, with its white wooden towel rail, its bowl and pitcher of water for those who didn't have the time or inclination to take a bath. (BNC)

Potterton Myson give new meaning to the term towel rail with their extensive range of towel warmers. (BNC)

TV-slob / coach potato - pecivál

1. Just as it's hard to be a coach potato without a couch, it's hard to sit all day at work without a chair or a conventional desk or cubicle. (Google)

2. I'm neither a coach potato nor aspiring to become a fitness freak. (Google)

3. Who wants to be with a man who's a coach potato and has no financial plan? (Google)


until the cows come home

velice dlouhou dobu

You can hammer around the statistics until the cows come home to argue that flying is less dangerous than any other form of transport. (BNC)

However, this approach may not always be the most successful one because it is so familiar to most of us, and in a competitive situation people are able to go on reasoning until the cows come home. (BNC)

We could talk about this problem until the cows come home, but it wouldn´t solve anything. (Google)

utility room

místnost určená k čištění, praní, žehlení, ...

Bathrooms, a kitchen and a utility room, needing only small windows, were located behind this elevation. (BNC)

She added a utility room and boot room and was particularly pleased with her idea of a television room off the kitchen; that was brilliant. (BNC)

Does your flat, conservatory, or utility room have a skylight to the roof? (BNC)

utility room - úklidová místnost / kumbál

1. A utility room is a room in a house, which is the descendant of the scullery. (Google)

2. The utility room typically contains washing machine, tumble dryer, and other appliances which, in houses without such a room, would be in the kitchen or laundry. (Google)

3. Concrete flooring or stone tiles are definitely the way to go if you are thinking of adding a storage or utility room to your home. (Google)


vacation home - chata, chalupa

1. When you choose vacation home rentals over hotels you join the growing ranks of people who demand more value from their vacation accommodations. (Google)

2. A second home or vacation home can be a home owners asset as renting it could provide additional income. (Google)

3. Our goal is to provide you the Orlando vacation home you want at a price you can afford. (Google)

vegetable plot

zeleninový záhon

At the back of the house, a square lawn slopes down to a vegetable plot. (BNC)

I set down the watering can and start for the vegetable plot. (BNC)

If you can't water your vegetable plot, beetroot, leeks, onions, root crops, and maincrop potatoes should all give reasonable yields, even in a hot, dry summer. (BNC)

vertical blinds


As with all Faber vertical blinds, damaged slats can be replaced individually. (BNC)

We've never ever looked at vertical blinds before. (BNC)

Disturbed bedclothes, broad sunlit balcony beyond windows and pastel-pink vertical blinds. (BNC)


walk the floor

nervózně chodit

While Bill waited for news of the operation, he walked the floor for hours on end. (Google)

Walking the floor won´t help you. You might as well sit down and relax. (Google)

I walk the floor, read, watch a cop-show and drink. (BNC)

wall unit

nábytková stěna

In another case, Allied increased the price of a wall unit by more than £200 just days before offering the massive reductions. (BNC)

Kersten wall unit with glass doors, drawers and two-door base unit is £299, with a three-door sideboard for just £199. (BNC)

Sheriff officers had previously poinded the Smeddon family's television, video, hi-fi, microwave and wall unit. (BNC)

wash out the stains - vyprat/odstranit skvrny

1. Wash out the stains in about two gallons of cold water mixed with 1/2 cup of white vinegar and 1 teaspoon of liquid detergent. (Google)

2. If used wisely, such loans can help wash out the stains of bad credit. (Google)

3. In the pouring rain we'd jump in puddles just to wash out the stains. (Google)

waste paper basket - odpadkový koš

1. Businessman looking at waste paper basket, crumpled paper on floor. (Google)

2. It's a waste paper basket made from waste paper! What a neat idea for recycling and re-making all that waste paper. (Google)

3. Even though I know that this local paper is a total waste paper basket case and that nothing will change it, I had better muster the energy and interest to write my reply. (Google)

water the plants - zalít květiny

1. Paton said the greenhouse produced more than five times the fresh water needed to water the plants inside, so some of the water could be released to the outside, [...] (Google)

2. For the next 14 days, have students continue to lightly water the plants in groups 1 and 2 every few days and record student obserations on a daily basis about each group in the spaces provided. (Google)

3. The plants in the city and its outskirts are dyeing a slow death as these agencies seem to have forgotten to water the plants in the past several months. (Google)

window box

okenní truhlík

Slow growing dwarf conifers add body to this window box. (BNC)

Willie nodded shyly and went after Sammy who was eyeing the flowers in someone's window box. (BNC)

The photograph should be accompanied by a brief description of the window box and how it improves its surroundings. (BNC)

window of opportunity

vhodná příležitost

The recession gave us a window of opportunity. (BNC)

There's a substantial window of opportunity for us. (BNC)

The period of time a bill is before Parliament determines how long the window of opportunity to legislate on criminal justice matters remains open. (BNC)

window sill

okenní parapet, římsa

I suspect extensive rot in a window sill. (BNC)

On a window sill, hidden by the curtain hem, was his secret vodka, still half a glass left. (BNC)

Basically, all you need to grow flowers for pressing is a window sill or even a grow-bag! (BNC)

wing chair

ušák (křeslo)

Miss Jarman sat down with a thump in the matching wing chair on the other side of the fireplace. (BNC)

She knocked and opened the door and saw Patrick asleep in his wing chair. (BNC)

One large wing chair in an attractive pale pink fabric blends perfectly with the dual colour scheme. (BNC)

wireless connection - bezdrátové připojení

1. Once connected, you can check the status of your wireless connection using the following procedure. (Google)

2. If you are close enough to a building, you should be able to receive a wireless connection outside. (Google)

3. Whether you're on the road or at home, a wireless connection can drop unexpectedly and for no readily apparent reason. (Google)

wood stove

kamna na dřevo

He's got a wood stove in there, hasn't he? (BNC)

In the pub were twenty or so other walkers, similarly soaked, all crowding round a massive wood stove. (BNC)

Nenna made the tea and lit the wood stove. (BNC)

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