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  to exercise (one's) right

uplatňovať svoje práva

PDF files with usage restrictions often pose a problem regarding how to exercise one's fair-use right to quote excerpts. (Google)

This note is intended as a brief summary of the basic requirements for entitlement to exercise rights of audience as a barrister. (Google)

A securities intermediary shall exercise rights with respect to a financial asset if directed to do so by an entitlement holder. (Google)


a pack of lies

samé klamstvá, jedna veľká lož

We can also see how the press were deliberately misled by the official statement put out by the Admiralty which was a pack of lies. (BNC)

The best chance of our understanding this link comes from studies of the fruit-fly. 1984 THE BUTCHER Of course the whole thing is a pack of lies.(BNC)

Or was it all a pack of lies to make me give in? (BNC)

a sore spot

bolavé místo, nepříjemné téma k diskuzi

(A magazine headline) Regained weight an especially sore spot for public figures. Google

Last week in the Senate, Democrats prodded the Republicans right in their economic sore spot. Google

All the helplessness and frustration can stay stuck inside, in a big pile, and make a sore spot. Google

a vicious circle

začarovaný kruh

I get depressed so I eat and then I gain weight which depresses me so I eat again - I'm caught in a vicious circle. (Google)

A vicious circle therefore develops of doing less and less exercise. (BNC)

It is a long term problem of course , but it creates a vicious circle that only ends when you discard the circle entirely and approach the situation from a completely new angle. (BNC)

acid test

skúška ohňom

The senator doesn't look too popular just now, but the acid test will be if he gets reelected. (Google)

The acid test for art criticism is the solo exhibition. (BNC)

But if we can say Yes to this acid test, then we will find several other reasons for planting churches today which will spur us on to do so. (BNC)

Actions speak louder than words.

Skutky jsou důležitější než slova.

Actions really do speak louder than words! And that is why it is so very important for us as Christians to be aware of our actions, and to make sure that what we do is consistent with what we say. (Google)

Actions speak louder than words. When you say “I Love You”, do you really mean it? (Google)

We are aiming to transform society with our belief that actions speak louder than words. (Google)

air one's dirty linen in public

prát špinavé prádlo na veřejnosti

He said he did not want to air dirty linen in public, admitting though that he had had relationships with both women. (Google)

How can we take anyone seriously when he tells us not to air dirty linen in public while writing a book which does precisely that, on a much larger scale? (Google)

A legal source said today: "The court does not like to air dirty linen in public. What people have done wrong in a marriage is not going to weigh on a judge's mind in deciding the size of a payout." (

ask for the moon

pokusit se o nemožné, chtít nemožné

(a newspaper headline) Closing down iilegal hydrants: is it asking for the moon? (Google)

We are not asking for the moon - just a healthy home and Earth. (Google)

She was asking for the moon, but she did not get even moonshine in her short-
long life. (Google)

at swords' points

na ostří nože, znepřátelení, rozhádaní

Though the central government and UNITA are still at swords' points, at least their country is no longer a testing ground for foreign armies; the peace may be uneasy but it is far better than what preceded it. (Google)

Indeed, sometimes the reciprocity of silence is far more real than that of conversation, for people can be at swords' points with one another under cover of talk, but silence, to be alive and peaceful, must always be between friends, or at least between acquaintances who do not antagonize one another. (Google)

While in other contexts we might have been at swords' points, here we were comrades-in-arms. (Google)


baby talk

řeč dětí, když se učí mluvit; nebo dospělých k nim

What are some common baby talk terms in your language? I'm interested in the ways the words are modified to make them into diminutives. (Google)

Parents can decipher the baby talk well. They know their baby well, and understand what the baby communicates. (Google)

Some parents are especially good at baby talk. Are their babies better off? (Google)

bark up the wrong tree

plakat na nesprávném hrobě

Nudists barking up the wrong tree: The right to bare all at Little Congwong continues to generate debate as naturists seek support from a higher power.(Google)

(A newspaper headline) Bush barking up the wrong tree over oil. (Google)

To call on all Filipinos to be united is to bark up the wrong tree. It is clearly the wrong call on the wrong sector of Philippine society. (Google)

be all mouth

vést plané řeči

Good public relations operators are not all mouth; they are also very good ears. (NBC)

Obama is all mouth. I think he is more interested in hearing himself talk, Hillary Clinton can and will do much more than his words could ever say. (Google)

For me, he is all mouth. He looks aggressive, but he is as scary as a kitten. (Google)

be at a loss for words

nevědět, co říct

Have you ever seen a piece of art, and found yourself at a loss for words as to how to comment on it? (Google)

After all, with a full repertoire of cliches at their fingertips, rhetoricians will never be at a loss for words. (Google)

Lazy, busy, or just at a loss for words? Oh, I don't even know. I want to say more but life is so overwhelming lately. I hardly know where to start! (Google)

be called/brought to account

ísť na koberec

What concerns us most is that the people responsible for the violence should be brought to account.(Google)

The market should expect open and honest reporting as a matter of right and those who fall below the required standard should be brought to account, said the Governor. (BNC)

But I have a little plan as to how he may be brought to account. (BNC)

be on about

rozprávať o, dlho vykladať o

Taff kept on talking, but I did not hear what he was on about. (BNC)

She's been on about the Brownies ever since she was seven, the age at which Granny says girls can join. (BNC)

Although remembered, at the time, I had no idea what Uncle Fred was on about. (BNC)

be talking at cross purposes

mluvit každý o něčem jiném, jeden mluví o voze a druhý o koze

One way out of such unhelpful cross-purpose communications is for workplace counsellors to make clear what aspect they are going to start talking about and how other aspects of the topic will be addressed. (Googlebooks)

Otherwise, information in the medical dialogue can be reduced to "two parallel monologues" in which patient and physician are both talking at cross-purposes and in two different languages. (Googlebooks)

I'm not sure that I'm answering your question, or just talking at cross-purposes. (Google)

before one can say Jack Robinson

než bys řekl švec

After a while, we switched to stronger drugs. Our thinking, our principles, and our goals have changed...
Before one can say 'Jack Robinson,' I became a goner. (google)

This product has all of the positive attributes of single-ended gear with the added bonus of a low end that does not roll-off before one can say "Jack Robinson". (Google)

Before one can say Jack Robinson the steward has the ordered dish on the wooden table. (Google)

beside the point


Accordingly I ought to be able to say that at this stage his comments seem to me beside the point, or more exactly in excess of it. (BNC)

That I myself was hardly any more mature than he, was beside the point. (BNC)

She's just part of your job, and whatever she might feel for anyone else is beside the point. (BNC)

bitch about

sťažovať sa, nadávať na

She's such a miserable type and always bitching about her friends. I know, she hasn't got a good word to say about anybody. (Google)

You can rely on her to bitch about her boss at every available opportunity. (Google)

Catch a man bitching about healthhazards and conditions and going out on strike over no papertowels in the toilet or nagging over the lack of day nursery facilities. (BNC)

bone of contention

jablko sváru

Kashmir is no longer the bone of contention, but a bridge between India and Pakistan. (Google)

The Baltic Sea had always been an attractive bone of contention between various greedy imperialisms, which were as tides to an otherwise almost tideless sea. (Google)

"Practically all paleontological discoveries can be described as bones of contention," says British anthropologist John Napier. (Google)

break the news to someone

sdělit někomu (špatné) zprávy

Thank God, it wasn't he who had to break the news to the woman that her husband and her daughter had both been killed in the car crash that had fractured her skull. (NBC)

Vicky searched the house for Seth, to break the news that she was leaving. (NBC)

If their naivety is to be believed, they're in for more painful disillusionment when someone can bear to break the news to them that the tooth fairy doesn't exist and that the singing Madonna is no virgin. (NBC)

breathe a word

vyzradit tajemství, něco prozradit

If you are feeling bad about it, end the affair, and never breathe a word of it to me. The less I know, the happier I am. (Google)

As they made their way to town they vowed to not breathe a word concerning their gold find and they kept their word. (Google)

But we do not breathe a word, not even to our editors. We are the soul of discretion. (Google)


C.O.D (cash on delivery)

na dobierku

Outward fee per parcel in addition to postage: £1.60 Inward delivery fee: £1.30 Cash on delivery (C.O.D.). (BNC)

The following optional extra services are available with International Standard and Economy services: Express delivery Franc de Droits (FDD) Cash on delivery (C.O.D.). (BNC)

With Parcel Post's safe, reliable C.O.D service you can opt to have our staff collect either postage and fees only, or full payment for the item delivered. (Google)

call in question


No member, no person from within the party, has the right to call in question the raison d'etre of the party. (Google)

All of the artists presented in this show advocate a critical stocktaking of art, and call in question any direct utility for society. (Google)

The vast majority of people, being utterly ignorant even of the elements of chemistry, labour under the impression that all that need be done in a matter of this kind is to tell the Public Analyst to “analyse,” and that full, exact, and absolutely definite information which nobody can call in question, will be forthcoming as a matter of course. (Google)

call on the carpet

zavolat si někoho na kobereček

Do we call on the carpet the doctors who prescribed this dangerous medication? (Google)

Let's call on the carpet those who do wrong--this is the power of our beneficial transparency. But let's encourage everyone too. (Google)

Further more, let's call on the carpet those who run a school system without being able to explain various learning theories or who have never taught a day in the classrrom in their entire life... (Google)

call sb names

nadávat někomu, někoho urážet

I work in a group home, and there is one 13-year-old boy who just calls everyone names, all the time, all the other youth and the staff. (Google)

When possible, I'd approach him in a positive way when he isn't calling somebody names. (Google)

Try to determine what function the name calling has for him. Was this something that was customary in his past or was necessary for him ? (Google)

call the roll

číst jmenný seznam osob

And so he volunteers to help call the roll at Riverside. He will not have an opportunity to read his own son's name, but at least he can ensure that the sons of others are not forgotten. (Google)

They are taken together — 148,000 names, representing the entire veteran population of Riverside National Cemetery, a roll call of the dead read aloud over 10 days by more than 300 volunteers. (Google)

"When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'Present' or 'Not Guilty'." (Google, quote by Theodore Roosevelt)

change one's tune

obrátit, začít tvrdit něco jiného než původně

So I am a little curious as to what made him change his tune all of a sudden. (Google)

For indeed, her husband did change his tune after spending the evening alone with his two rambunctious young daughters: to one of respect. (Google)

Here is a more recent video on his views about marijuana. It appears the situation in Mexico has made him change his tune. (Google)

cold comfort

slabá útěcha

So when the IPCC predicts serious consequences from global warming unless emissions are rapidly curtailed, it's cold comfort indeed that a few newspapers in the 1970s speculated about possible global cooling. (Google)

(A headline) Prices cuts are cold comfort in deflation chill. (Times online)

Surely it was cold comfort to her that one of her father's friends had snatched from her secure life just to frighten her. (Google)

collect call

hovor na účet volaného

Consumers report that they have been deceived into accepting a collect call from a particular family member when, in fact, the call is from a stranger. (Google)

To make a collect call, enter the number you wish to call, area code first. (Google)

Are more collect phone calls made on Father's Day than on any other day of the year? (Google)

come/get to the point

prejsť/dostať sa k jadru veci/k podstate

Janet, let's get to the point. Do you want the afternoon off? (Google)

He has been talking a long time. I wish he would come to the point. (Google)

We are talking about money, Bob! Come on, get to the point. (Google)

common ground

spoločná pôda

The two poems could be thought to occupy a common ground which goes some way beyond topography, and includes a stretch of the common ground occupied by imitation. (BNC)

Mr Brooke said there appeared to be some common ground between Unionists and nationalists for talks to get underway. (BNC)

It seems increasingly unlikely that the two sides will find any common ground. (Google)

convey/carry a message

niesť správu, mať poslanie, odkazovať

The poem does convey a message, though the message can not be at every point decoded. (BNC)

This is particularly relevant to non-ELT materials since they were produced to convey a message to a particular audience. (BNC)

It was one of the worst years ever for the construction industry and many a card this Christmas carried a message that 1992 was a good year to see the back of and the hope that in 1993 things may start to look brighter. (BNC)

crack a joke

vyprávět vtip

Find interesting topics to talk about and crack a joke here and there. The more laid back you are, and just treating her as your good friend allows you to be comfortable to be yourself and talk about anything and everything that is not just about you. Crack a joke in between to let her know of your funny side as well. (Google)

If you crack a joke in the middle of a serious moment, from then on, you will be seen as a joker. (Google)

cry over spilled milk

plakat nad rozlitým mlékem

Should one cry over spilled milk? For whatever reason you need to cry, cry. (Google)

Sometimes I think it’s okay to cry over spilled milk. I mean, how many cups can you accidentally break before you finally have a breakdown yourself? I say… Go ahead. Cry. (Google)

Maybe it is ok to “cry over spilled milk.” After all, it is ruined. I feel like my emotional muscles are as weak as the muscles in my legs were when I first tried to run. (Google)


Dear Jane letter

dopis nebo vzkaz, ve kterém partner ukončuje vztah

Write your own Dear Jane letter and never send it. Sometimes writing out your feelings towards the sender of an impersonal Dear John letter may make you feel more in control of your life. (Google)

Chief Robinson suspects that Sharkey is a real ladies man when he accidentally sees a "Dear Jane" letter in the typewriter. (Google)

I got a "Dear Jane" letter. But I didn’t know it at first. It was disguised. It was a cute card, which on closer inspection was a copy of the one I had sent to him a few days earlier. And I thought he just wanted to send it back to me because it was so sweet and endearing. (Google)

Dear John letter

dopis nebo vzkaz, kterým partnerka ukončí vztah

How to Write a Dear John Letter. There is no easy way to break up with a boyfriend. There will always be feelings hurt in a break up. (Google)

The Dear John Letter was much more prevalent and more sinister during wartime, when soldiers were unable to avoid conscription and could not return home during leave. (Google)

Remember the old Dear John letters that you used to hear about? The guy would come home to find the house empty, he would spot a note on the mantle and it would start out “Dear John”. It would go on to explain that his wife no longer wanted anything to do with him. (Google)

do sb down

kritizovať niekoho, zhadzovať niekoho pred niekym

Don't you like her then? I used to but I found that she was always trying to do down the girls in our tennis club who were not interested in joining her little clique. (Google)

If you go on doing everyone down like this, you will soon find yourself without a single friend. (Google)

It seems that many people, perhaps without even thinking about it, would rather do down the other player than cooperate with the other player to do down the banker. (BNC)

do/make a promise


Sandison remembered some vague promise he had made about leaving the city when he was satisfied that Elsie was indeed alive and well. (BNC)

'You made a promise,' Maidstone said. 'So I did. Well, I never meant to keep it.' (BNC)

At home we make a promise to ourselves. (BNC)

don't flatter yourself

nefandi si, nenamýšľaj si

I flatter myself that this campaign will put an end to the war. (Google)

Yeah. She's totally into me. She calls me all the time. Don't flatter yourself! (Google)

In fact how am I to know you didn't do all this just so we could be in this very position now? Don't flatter yourself! (BNC)

drop a line

napísať niekomu zopár riadkov

I intend also to drop a line to Norman too. (BNC)

We really do like hearing from you, so drop us a line and let us know how you are. (Google)

If you've got a few minutes to spare you could always drop her a line. (Google)


Easier said than done

To se lehko řekne, ale hůř udělá.

I'm trying to help bridge the gulf between the American churchgoer and the Pakistani teenager — but it's easier said than done. (Google)

Moving from norms to concrete changes on the ground, and from field practice back into concepts and laws, however, is easier said than done. (Google)

Dismantling Guantanamo: Closing down the prison camp may be easier said than done. (Google)

eat one's words

odvolať vlastné slova

The incumbent won easily, so I had to eat my words. (Google)

I may eat my words, but I don't think the two of you are right for each other. (Google)

As soon as I've proved you're not what he thinks he'll have to eat his words. (BNC)


fancy something

mať niečo rád, rád/chcieť niečo robiť

Let's eat out tonight. I don't feel like cooking. Well why not? What do you fancy? (Google)

Do you fancy going to see a movie sometime? (Google)

There are a few discos, but if you fancy something more sophisticated, hop on a train for the short journey to Kitzbuhel. (BNC)

first things first

pěkně popořádku

If you put first things first, you are organizing and managing time and events according to your personal priorities. (Google)

First things first: Happy Birthday Gavin! and to all the team: Congrats on an excellent job! (Google)

First things first. Let us start with first principles. Ii is critical that you have adequate time and resources available to prepare a successful bid. (Google)

forget it

kašli na to

"I'm so sorry about that cup." "Oh, forget it - I've got plenty." (Google)

Why didn't you tell me it was a birthday present from your Dad? Forget it. What's done is done. (Google)

What do you mean? he asked suspiciously. Forget it, I said. (BNC)


gain ground

dostať sa do popredia, presadzovať sa

This shows the extent to which the republican ideal gained ground once independence was in place, furthering the ideological divide between protestant loyalism and catholic nationalism. (BNC)

Our new product is gaining ground against that of our competitor. (Google)

Since the government announced its new policies, the opposition has been gaining ground.

get a life!

nájdi si niečo príjemnejšie na prácu

What you've got to do now is get yourself together. Get a life, as Lizzy is always saying. (BNC)

He needs to leave home and get a job – in short, he needs to get a life. (Google)

They're always telling me I shouldn't make fun of people, and I just tell them, “Grow up, you know, get a life.” (Google)

get a word in

dostat se ke slovu

You just can't get a word in and you know to never, never, never ask them a question about anything! The answer goes on and on and on! (Google)

Some people disengage because they can't get a word in, they've been shouted down, or they've become bored. (Google)

He had no intention of letting me get a word in or make any comment on his tale. (Google)

get hold of

zohnať niekoho, zmocniť sa, pochytiť

It is the first duty of any coach arriving at a competition to get hold of a current draw sheet, identify the areas on which his entries will be competing and confirm the timetable. (BNC)

I wasn't expecting the press to get hold of it, mind you; but it may be no bad thing. (BNC)

He said he planned to call Mom this week, so I thought he'd get hold of her sooner or later. (Google)

get in on the ground floor

byť pri tom hneď od začiatku

It is potentially a very lucrative market and those who get in on the ground floor might well make a fortune. (Google)

After just two days on the market, the software group has shot up from 70p to 113p -- great news for the institutions who got in on the ground floor. (BNC)

Usually, these are sold in bulk to a dealer who can handle large quantities but it is worth trying to do a deal on smaller quantities if you can get in on the ground floor, so to speak. (BNC)

get real

uvedom sa! spamätaj sa!

You think he's going to help you? Get real! (Google)

I've decided to run in this year's charity marathon. Oh, come on, get real! You haven't done any serious running for years and you're overweight. You'll never finish the course. (Google)

You expect me to ignore data like that? Get real! (Google)

get the message


Dean was too much of a cultural snob to get the message, but Balcon sought to emulate the success of these pictures in his more serious, dramatic movies. (BNC)

And let them walk all over me, or, whether I should just say: 'OK, I get the message', and do myself in. (BNC)

As they surveyed their steak and kidney pud and overcooked cabbage in the clubhouse the members began to get the message. (BNC)

get wind of

něco se doslechnout

Tell me, how did your friends get wind of the fact that the market was going to crash? (Google)

Once, I was about to lose a design contract due to a conflict between an architect and client. I didn't get wind of the problem until midafternoon... (Google)

Commanders and first sergeants are trained if they get wind of anyone who might be in an abusive situation, whether they are the victim or the partner, they've got to separate the couple for at least 72 hours to determine if they are safe of not - no matter how minor it may seem. (Google)

give a piece of mind

napomínať niekoho, kárať

I've had enough from John. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.
Sally, stop it, or I'll give you a piece of my mind. (Google)

Wanna give Bennett a piece of your mind? (Google)

Ever wanted to give the City a piece of your mind? Well, here's your chance. (Google)

give ground


Does he withdraw his front foot, indicating his preference to give ground? (BNC)

I approached the barking dog, but it wouldn't give ground. (Google)

When I argue with Mary, she never gives ground. (Google)

give one's word

dát své slovo

It would be much more comfortable for both of us if you would give me your word not to try to escape, or to go back, or to leave my camp, or cause your men to leave my camp, or anything like that. (Google)

If your words possess enough value to move mountains, if they can do everything they say, then, my lord, papers are unnecessary if you give me your word. (Googlebooks)

Give me your word here and now that you will do the next thing that I ask of you, whatever it is, if it is in your power. (Google)

give someone a straight answer

byť k niekomu úprimný

However, the company has run into financial difficulty lately that are causing some unexpected repercussions. Like what! Give it to me straight. I am afraid we have to lay you off. (Google)

What a shifty arguer he is, refusing ever to give a straight answer to a straight question. (Google)

He made the point that had the position been reversed he would not expect to be pestered after giving a straight answer. (BNC)

give someone an earful

vyhrešiť niekoho, pokarhať

You can just imagine the earful he gave her when they got home. (Google)

Give your Illinois legislators an earful on ethics reform. (Google)

Customer studies give an earful to wireless carriers about bad service. (Google)

give the show away

vyzradit něco, co mělo zůstat v tajnosti

Then the leader of the troops got cold feet and gave the show away to the headquarters. (Google)

At that I very nearly gave the show away by laughing. (Google)

The minister's unconvincing answers on the numbers really gave the show away. He must be a candidate for the ultimate dunce's cap. (Google)

go back on one's word

nedostát svému slibu

Don't ever go back on your word. So, be careful what you say you will or will not do. Ask her for suggestions on what you can do to gain her trust again. (Google)

If you go back on your word in politics, you will all too often end up dead. (Google)

Don't break promises or go back on your word. The key is to remember your commitment. Write it down and do it. (Google)

go in one ear and out the other

jít jedním uchem tam a druhým ven

The things that go in one ear and out the other do not hurt as much as the things that go in one ear, get all mixed up, and then slip out of the mouth. (Googlebooks)

No matter how shocking they are, statistics will just go in one ear and out the other. (Google)

Just let the gossip go in one ear and out the other. In the event that you hear some alarming news that involves you in any way, shape or form; take it up with your boss or HR immediately. (Google)

go round in circles

chodiť dokola, neschopnosť nájsť riešenie

We're just going round in circles discussing the problem. (Google)

Fred's trying to find out what's happened but he's going round in circles. (Google)

The problem of going round in circles is caused by a surplus of information and explanation, and a deficit of ideas and reactions to those ideas. (BNC)

go the rounds

obiehať, obísť, obehnúť

Well, there's a rumor going the rounds that the board is thinking of closing down his department. (Google)

There are plenty of glossy, expensive training packs going the rounds at the moment. (BNC)

'I'm not sure,' he said in an oddly formal voice, 'but there were some fairly odd stories going the rounds about her. (BNC)



I know. She's always passing on the latest rumors about who's not talking to whom and who's bought the most expensive dresses. Terri She's such a gossipmonger isn't she. (Google)

Her village, like any other, had its share of gossipmongers who took the sketchiest rumour and added and added to it. (BNC)

The minute our engagement is announced the gossipmongers in this little hotbed of a colony will be ready to pounce on any evidence that this is -- as they have long predicted -- a marriage of convenience! (BNC)


hang on the lips of

viset někomu na rtech

They are, as it were, hanging on the lips of God and they beg him to kindly tell them a word of light and comfort. (Google)

Anything may come from such stored-up force once it is let loose; and that keeps an audience alert, hanging on the lips of a speaker for his next word. (Googlebooks)

Amazed, we follow her development, like children hanging on the lips of a storyteller who leads us from one picture to the next. (Google)


Information or notification, especially in advance

Sometimes your emails can be pretty long and disorganized. Jenny Oh, I didn't realize that. Thanks for the heads-up. (Google)

Gave me the heads-up on the new security measures. (Google)

Heads-up (or head up) display screen began to be used in aircraft in the 1960s. (Google)

hear it on/through the grapevine

jedna pani povedala...

When we heard on the grapevine that one of our four-legged friends was setting up her own fan club, it certainly gave us paws for thought. (BNC)

Hearing on the grapevine that Island Records' in-house Fallout Shelter studios were in need of a trainee engineer, he pestered them for an interview that afternoon and began work the next day. (BNC)

I heard on the grapevine that she was pregnant, but I don't know anything more. (Google)


soukromý rozhovor na intimní téma

If you want to know how to have a heart to heart with parents, and get something accomplished, follow these steps that can make the process less painful for all of you. (Google)

I would suggest that you sit down and have a heart to heart talk with her. She may not know that you even feel this way. (Google)

I recommend that the two of you have a heart to heart, open and honest discussion about what you both want and are willing to accept around your relationship as adults and your relationship as parents. (Google)

hit the nail on the head

uhodit hřebíček na hlavičku

I've been having some quite intelligent guesses but no one's hit the nail on the head.(NBC)

The moment she said it she knew she had hit the nail on the head. (NBC)

Anne Owers has once again hit the nail on the head with her searing critique of the Government’s mismanagement of the prison system. (Times)

hold ground

neustúpiť, stáť na svojom

They tried to haul the ship 5ft by taking the ship's cables and anchors from the stern of other craft to firm holding ground and then winching the ship free on the capstan. (BNC)

The union stood its ground in negotiations despite pressure by management to accept a pay cut. (Google)

The small, poorly armed band of guerrillas stood their ground against an overwhelming attacking force. (Google)

hold the line

zostaňte pri telefóne

Hold the line, please. (BNC)

Receptionist: If you will please hold the line a moment I will see if Mr Wyatt is available. (BNC)

According to Soames's sister, Emma, the admirable Sutton would answer Soames's car phone in the manner of a country butler, asking callers to hold the line while he saw if Sir was in. (BNC)

how time flies

ako ten čas letí

Bill: Look at the clock! Mary: How time flies! I guess you'll be going. Bill: Yes, I have to get up early. John: My watch says it's nearly midnight. How time flies! Jane: Yes, it's late. We really must go. (Google)

"Look at how big Billy is getting," said Uncle Michael. "My, how time flies." Tom: It seems it was just yesterday that I graduated from high school. Now I'm a grandfather. Mary: My, how time flies. (Google)

Our suave heroes were transformed into Laurel and Hardy: suburban life speeded up into some manic, coronary inducing rush hour. How time flies! (BNC)


I can't be bothered

ani ma nehne, mám to na háku

I just can't be bothered to look after the house. (Google)

Yoga for people who can't be bothered to do it. (Google)

I used to be highly annoyed by such blatantly ignorant pieces, but I can't be bothered anymore. (Google)

I couldn't care less

je mi to fuk

Julia, I couldn't care less what kind of car it is as long as it has four wheels and goes. (Google)

Yes, yes I mean I couldn't care less, as long as it was something must get something Linda's is the mask in the theatre. (BNC)

As for you, I couldn't care less if you walked out on to that stage with a sack over your head. (BNC)

I'll tell you what/ I tell you what

vies co?...

I'll tell you what -- name the place and I'll pick you up. (Google)

I tell you what, I'll bring the water in a separate glass. (Google)

So I tell you what. You get on your bike and find that old lady what were in here just now and you don't let her out of your sight. (BNC)

in a nutshell

veľmi stručne

Were relations between himself and the ANC warm? In a nutshell: Yes. (BNC)

In a nutshell, Hinsley is infinitely more trustworthy than Wright, but more shackled. (BNC)

This, in a nutshell, is what the Yalavou project sets out 10 do. (BNC)

in a word

jedným slovom

His bedside manner was, in a word, menacing. (BNC)

Pop, in a word, is fascination versus meaning. (BNC)

In a word, the play flopped. (Google)

in line with

v souhlasu s něčím, podlě něčeho

Survey: data storage practices are not in line with data storage policies. (Google)

Hewlett Packard earnings were in-line with analyst expectations, but sales were slower than expected. (Google)

Yesterday's presidential election in Armenia was conducted mostly in line with the country's international commitments, although further improvements are necessary to address remaining challenges. (Google)

in plain English

jednoduše řečeno

As important as it might be to convey information to people in plain English, however, it is equally important to do so in ways that acknowledge the accomplishments of IT staff and don't make them feel their efforts are being minimized. (Google)

Individual CPAs would provide an enormous boost to the public good if they objectively explained in plain English the effects of different tax proposals. (Google)

In this paper I describe, in plain English, the algorithm for decrypting DVDs. (Google)

in the same breath

jedným vrzom, jedným dychom

New actors need to try and widen their range all the time and in the same breath find a way of being commercially as well as artistically viable. (BNC)

Chamberlain refers to this in the same breath as mentioning an argument between the Marquess Buckingham and Hamilton over the selling of honours and abasing ancient nobility, by new advancements. (BNC)

It would be a disservice to Denis Law to mention him in the same breath as some of Scotland's more notorious hell-raisers. (BNC)

iron out

prodiskutovat problém a najít řešení

Honeybees iron out their directional problems. (Google)

That gives the team the opportunity to play without much of the pressure that surrounds the six remaining teams in finals contention. It gives them opportunities to iron out a few weak spots before the playoffs, and to inflict psychological blows on their likely finals foes. (Google)

Architects begin to iron out details of building projects. (Google)

It's beyond me

je to nad moje sily

That's because you just arrived. Do you like biology? Seung No. It's beyond me. (Google)

Although he could give her sympathy, any practical help would almost certainly be beyond him. (Google)

How they thought they could come in and out without anyone noticing is beyond me. (Google)

it's no joke

to nie je žart, to je vážna vec

It is no joke, I assure you, to be subjected to the impertinent questioning of those who have come to your public meeting neither for enlightenment nor even good fellowship but to make the candidate appear a proper Charlie. (BNC)

From the age of five up to ten school is quite easy but from then on it is no joke! (BNC)

It's no joke to have an unusual name. (Google)



jméno nebo slovo, které je obtížné vyslovit

Its chemical name was a jawbreaker and is of little interest to us now. (Googlebooks)

Now the title was a jawbreaker. It was Teratocarcinogenesis by differentiation of multipotential cells. Again, he asked, "will you change the title?" (Google)

I suppose the word she could not say was a jawbreaker like "discorporated" or "discorporeal". (Google)

jump at

po něčem skočit, nadšeně přijmout nabídku

The hollywood star jumped at the chance to be a spokesperson for the clothing company, because she was convinced it would give her career a huge boost. (Google)

These entrepreneurs jumped at the chance to be franchisees while they were young and their determination and drive are now paying off. (Google)

I soon as they said I could come here I jumped at the chance. (Google)


keep a civil tongue in one's head

mluvit slušně

No matter who is initiating the breakup, keep a civil tongue. Poisonous words cast during the breakup process may come back to haunt you. (Google)

"Come in then and when you ask favors learn to keep a civil tongue in your head," said the woman sternly, taking the guest by the hand and pulling her in. (Googlebooks)

Please keep a civil tongue in your mouth and treat others with respect even if you disagree with them. (Google)

keep in touch with

zůstat s někým v kontaktu

A shared address book system where members lists of contacts set up a global people network that helps you keep in touch with old friends. (Google)

Twitter is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? (Google)

As you requested at the end of the last training, you wanted a forum space to keep in touch with one another, swap ideas, share photos/documents etc. So here is your space! (Google)

keep one's word

dodržet slovo

When you make a promise to your spouse or say you will do something for your spouse or family and then you don't keep your word, you are letting your spouse down and hurting your marriage. (Google)

Keeping your word and following through on your promises helps to reinforce the trust that your spouse has in you. Not keeping your word tells your spouse that you simply don't care. (Google)

(A headline) McCain to Obama: Keep Your Word to the American People. (Google)

keep/hold one´s word

dodržať slovo

You can count on Richard; he'll keep his word. (Google)

And as the movie progressed, I realized that there are often consequences to not keeping one's word. (Google)

The best way to keep one's word is not to give it. (Google)


last word

poslední slovo

Censor Board must have last word on film`s release. (Google)

According to Pope Benedict, Easter liturgy assures us that evil does not have last word.(Google)

They have their own jobs, homes, cars, and even pay their own bills. So do men really have the last word? (Google)

laugh sth/sb off

někomu/něčemu se vysmát

I was so angry when I first read that he laughed off the topic as he did. (Google)

The actress has laughed off reports she is on a crash diet to keep up with skinny Hollywood stars. (Google)

The actress has laughed off pregnancy rumours - but confessed she wants to start a family soon. (Google)

learn lesson

poučiť sa

I'm never going to mix my drinks again - I've learnt my lesson. (Google)

Governments and airlines had failed to learn lessons from the incident. (BNC)

It would progressively develop the Cadbury code of conduct in a non-legalistic way by learning lessons from corporate wrong-doing. (BNC)

lie through one's teeth

lže jako když tiskne

My wife filed a restraining order against me and lied through her teeth about my fiscal abuse and wants spousal support when she has a good paying job. (Google)

The lease contract was very general, and she lied through her teeth about what the horse can do. She said the horse could jump and jump well. (Google)

You both lied through your teeth to me and you know it. (Google)

lodge a complaint

stěžovat si, podat stížnost

If you have not been able to resolve your problem, you can lodge a complaint with the Office of Fair Trading. (Google)

Lodge a complaint using the online complaints form. You may also view the complaints process and contact details. (Google)

There are several ways you can lodge a complaint against a moving company, but before you do, make sure you contact the company directly to try to resolve the issue. (Google)

lost for words

stratiť reč, nemat slov

Tony, looks at me, for once lost for words. (BNC)

My friend, whose ablutions are an elaborate, and to him, essential part of his pre-sermon warm up, was for once lost for words. (BNC)

DRACULA star Sadie Frost, 25, was lost for words in a love scene she was supposed to punctuate with moans. (BNC)


důvěrné, interní informace

I went up there last spring about a year ago, met with Bob, and I got a lowdown on some of the new things coming. (Google)

I got a lowdown today from a Russian in the telecommunications mergers and acquisitions business; he says deal after deal is stalling because no-one will lend money. (Google)

We got a lowdown on why it is that maybe foreigners think French people are rude. They are not rude, they are merely honest. (Google)


make a big deal about/of sth

něco zveličovat, z něčeho dělat zbytečný problém

Why do people make a big deal out of being a teenage mom but not being a teenage dad? (Google)

The most important thing is just not to make a big deal of failure. (Google)

People make a big deal about test scores. No one seems to believe me when I tell them that when I'm reading an application, I just glance at the test scores to get a sense of them before moving on to the more important parts of the application -- that is, who you are. (Google)

make a scene

udělat scénu

Don't make a scene, you'll mess up your make-up from crying. (Google)

I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to even see you, don't make a scene, just leave! (Google)

I've had cramps multiple times and pain can be unbearable, but I don't make a scene and start screaming and wailing. (Google)

make light of

brať na ľahkú váhu, zľahčovať, bagatelizovať

I didn't mean to make light of your problems. (BNC)

President Bush, making light of surgery to remove a cyst from his right middle finger, said it was no 'federal case' and promised to show off his scar afterward . (BNC)

It is possible to make light of the process but, be under no illusion, it is a deadly serious affair. (BNC)

man of his word

čestný muž, který vždy dodrží své slovo

His action or inaction will prove whether he is a man of his word, or whether he is a man driven by political ambition. (Google)

The Senator also promised to personally email answers to any questions he didn't have time to get to at the party and, a man of his word, he did just that. (Google)

Now he's just made it clear he not only isn't a man of his word, but is just another spineless puppet. (Google)

man of letters

spisovatel, autor či akademik

‘I have always wanted to be an all-round man of letters on the eighteenth-century plan, which allowed or commanded a man to write essay or poem, novel or play, just as he pleased.’ (Google)

He was the last of a species, the great statesman, who was also the urbane man of letters and bon vivant. (Google)

Stanley Burnshaw, a consummate man of letters who was not only a poet, critic, translator, editor, publisher and novelist but also was skilled at setting type by hand, died September 16, 2005 on Martha's Vineyard. He was 99. (Google)

matter of opinion

vec názoru

Of course, there are also disadvantages in using the normal, high tow position and it is a matter of opinion which is best or easiest. (BNC)

What the Leeds manager appeared to be saying was that, while it was a matter of opinion whether Mr Midgley used his discretion correctly, he was glad to see a referee not sticking rigidly to the letter of the law. (BNC)

Whether one considers lawyers and doctors as more important than farm labourers and refuse collectors is simply a matter of opinion. (BNC)


všedný, obyčajný, vecný, suchý

This may be by way of theory, or on more matter-of-fact lines about technique or such questions as composition. (BNC)

There are emotional types and there are some who are matter-of-fact and fairly cold in their emotional response. (BNC)

When they reach the place of sacrifice, the details of the final preparations are given in the same matter-of-fact way that the initial ones were. (BNC)

miss the point

zmeškať pointu

Was I hearing him right or had I missed the point as so often happened?(BNC)

But that misses the point, if theory can be identified with literature. (BNC)

I think he misses the point when he says that no one cares about it. (BNC)

mum is the word

ani muk

So far, the news have been confirmed but mum is the word. You will have to wait a bit before getting loud and clear details. (Google)

As soon as your manuscript is submitted, mum is the word. You can’t blog about the manuscript, the submission, the editors who will see it, or any rejection letters because guess what, interested editors will often read the writer’s blog. (Google)

Fiji is like a hide-away trip for celebrities and mum is the word as far as the resorts are concerned. (Google)



osoba, která neustále zmiňuje jména slavných lidí

Have you ever been in the presence of a true name dropper? I'm talking about someone who can't tell a story about any part of their life without casually mentioning that some famous person was somehow involved in it. (Google)

I'm sure many of them think I am purely a name-dropper…dropping more names than anyone else they know. (Google)

In general Mr. Morgan was a name dropper, especially when it came to those notorious for supporting the conspiracy theories involved with the story of Marilyn Monroe. However, he wove into our conversation his claim that he dated Mariah Carey and Renée Zellweger. (Google)

no laughing matter

nič na smiech, vážna vec

I am a gout sufferer, and it's no laughing matter. (BNC)

Foreign teachers of English often joked that they could not pass TOEFL, but for the Chinese students it was no laughing matter. (BNC)

Who knows, Clarissa? Happiness is no laughing matter. (BNC)

no way!

ani ma nenapadne! v žiadnom prípade!

Now he's asking me to lend him my car. No way! (Google)

There's no way I could have paid for it. (Google)

The authorities have set a limit of one twist per customer per week, which is no way to handle the problem. (BNC)

not be on speaking terms

nekomunikovať, nerozprávať sa

Since the interview in Matron's office, Sister Cooney and Doctor O'Connor-Crowley had barely been on speaking terms. (BNC)

Wife is talk of town doting couple Alf and Jean Smith are on speaking terms for the first time in ten years. (BNC)

And besides, she thought irritably, did she even want to be on speaking terms with him after the way he had treated her? (BNC)

not that I know of

nie, pokiaľ viem

Is Mrs. Johnson joining us for dinner? Susie Not that I know of. (Google)

Has Kusala bought that car yet? Not that I know of. (Google)

Is there any certification available for SVS from symantec\altiris? Not that I know of, but it's a good idea. (Google)



pohotový, bez prípravy

Her remarks were off-the-cuff, but very sensible. (Google)

I'm not very good at making speeches off-the-cuff. (Google)

He made several off-the-cuff remarks which he later denied. (Google)

on the one hand - on the other hand

na jednej strane - na strane druhej

On the one hand they subscribed to the annual Irish parliamentary party fund and, on the other, they publicly praised the Irish party as the true political representatives of the Irish people and its interests in the British parliament. (BNC)

On the one hand, I'd like more money, but I don't want to work extra hours. (Google)

I like classical music, but on the other hand, my husband loves jazz. (Google)

on the tip of one's tongue

mít něco na jazyku

Tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) experiences are frustrating word-finding failures where people are temporarily unable to produce a word they are certain they know. (Google)

Why is it that people often have tip-of-the-tongue experiences where words suddenly go missing only to reappear later? (Google)

I'll have the right word on the tip of my tongue when I want to tell friends I've been right all along. (V … v … validated. That's it! Validated!) (Google)

open letter

otevřený dopis

The Public Library of Science initiative began with the circulation of the following open letter, urging publishers to allow the research reports that have appeared in their journals to be distributed freely by independent, online public libraries of science. (Google)

In any case somebody out there actually believes in the things David said so an open letter like this is necessary. (Google)

I have written an open letter on immigration reflecting the consensus opinion of economists on the major issues. In cooperation with the Independent Institute I am looking for as many signatures as possible from economists and other social scientists. (Google)

open secret

veřejné tajemství

She described it as an open secret among the academic fraternity.It was nothing unusual, she said, to hire others to distribute surveys and come up with tabulation of the findings that were used in the thesis.(Google)

It's an open secret that the best part of getting older is the opportunity to follow pursuits previously unexplored. (Google)

Trafficking Nepali women across the border to India for sex work is an open secret here. The shocking frequency has made the reality of trafficking almost commonplace. (Google)

out of the question

to neprichádza do úvahy

No, buying a new car is out of the question for me right now. (Google)

For the homeless, private medical care is simply out of the question. (Google)

I'm sorry, but your taking my car is out of the question. (Google)


pack of lies

snůška lží

Terming Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf's book In the Line of Fire as a "pack of lies" and a "national shame", the Opposition Wednesday slammed him for disclosing state secrets in his memoir and demanded a special session of Parliament to discuss it. (Google)

The British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw today rejected as a "pack of lies'' Iraqi claims that it does not have any weapons of mass destruction and said Baghdad had to account for `thousands' of items identified by previous inspectors. (Google)

He said: "They are just a pack of lies , it's really annoyed me. I can't believe anyone would stoop so low." However, he added he hadnothing nasty to say about her. (Google)

pen friend

priateľ na dopisovanie

Pat has also asked me to thank those who gave their names to be pen friends and asks you to be patient as she is too ill to distribute them yet. (BNC)

Pen friends were encouraged for learning French, but in English Digest there were advertisements from Burma and Mauritius and from servicemen. (BNC)

I'm getting worried, I've not heard from any of my polytechnic's no, and you didn't write to your pen friend either. (BNC)

pep talk

povzbuzující, nabuzující slova

Here’s how to give yourself an inspiring self pep talk to help you feel stronger, happier and ready to move forward with confidence. (Google)

The pep talk is the coach’s responsibility. The pep talk is about the attitude of the team, getting their heads right so that they can go out there and win. (Google)

In this week's Pep Talk, the personal coach shares the story of a brave young girl whose perseverance can be an example to each of us. (Google)

pop into one's head

napadnúť (myšlienka), prísť na um náhle, odrazu

Don't be so rude. I'm not good at math. Answers to these questions don't just pop into my head. (Google)

The idea popped into my head while I was in the washroom. (Google)

Funny, the sort of things which popped into your head. (BNC)

pop the question

požiadať o ruku

Well, I plan on popping the question on her birthday, but don't tell her. It will ruin the surprise. (Google)

He picked Valentine's Day to pop the question. (Google)

Creative marriage proposals for when you're ready to pop the question. (Google)

prepare the ground

pripraviť pôdu

With hindsight, one can see how Mr Gorbachev has been preparing the ground for this week's changes
. (BNC)

The leaders of both countries are preparing the ground for negotiations which may lead to peace. (Google)

Mrs Thatcher's governments were determined to cut the unions down in size and, for all the incremental nature of the legislation, prepared the ground in advance. (BNC)

proof of identity

preukázanie totožnosti

If they have never had a number they must go personally with proof of identity. (BNC)

This emphasises the point that before accepting any cheque proof of identity should be sought. (BNC)

Journalists should be compelled to produce proof of identity and the Code of Practice should be written into contracts of employment and agreements with freelances. (BNC)

pros and cons

argumenty za a proti

What are the pros and cons of quarry tiles? (BNC)

We've been discussing the pros and cons of buying a house. (Google)

The pros and cons of three possible posts were considered -- commercial manager, general manager or director of coaching. (BNC)

put smth about ( around )

ohovárať, klebetiť

Oh, I thought you and he got on well. Titus Well we did until now, but he's been putting it about that I'm thinking of leaving my job. (Google)

Someone has been putting rumors about that I live with my girlfriend. (Google)

He has already allowed friends to put it around that he only stayed as Chancellor after Black Wednesday because Mr Major begged him to. (BNC)

put something in writing


Greek historians, for example Thucydides, tended to concentrate on the recent past, their object being to put in writing those significant actions which were remembered but had not yet been recorded. (BNC)

What I really wanted to say I didn't want to put in writing. (BNC)

Well might do but I think it needs to be put in writing you know like who's is who's what you know. (BNC)

put the record straight

ujasniť si, vyjasniť

Perhaps we could put the record straight. (BNC)

Jim Rosenthal of ITV kept asking me to give my side of the story and in the end I did, appreciating the opportunity to put the record straight. (BNC)

One way of putting the record straight about school meals is to invite parents of new children for a free meal with their child so that they can not only taste the food but see the way in which it is presented and the way in which the children are supervised.(BNC)


rave about sth

o něčem nadšeně vyprávět

In Israel, Gourmands would rave about the restaurants; art-lovers would rave about the artists; and environmentalists would rave about water conservation. (Google)

Anyway, I'm not trying to make this a commercial but all my customers just rave about them. (Google)

Beanbags, bean bag chairs, bean bag furniture....what is all the rave about? If you are thinking about purchasing a bean bag chair for your home or child's room or dorm room, read this article to get all your questions answered. (Google)

read between the lines

číst mezi řádky

They didn't say directly it was our fault, but it was easy to read between the lines. (Google)

As decision-makers for funding, we have to be careful to not judge an organization by its appearance and to read between the lines of their visible work. (Google)

Feel free to read between the lines, because that's where the truth often hides. (Google)

read one's mind

číst někomu myšlenky

A machine that can read your mind? It's coming. Bad news, fellas. Japanese scientists are working to develop technology that will allow women to read our minds. (Google)

My life would be much easier if I could read your mind. (Google)

Dogs often give the appearance of being able to read your mind. What happens in actuality is that by observing you, and studying your habits and movements, they learn to anticipate your actions. (Googlebooks)

read someone the riot act

prísne pokarhanie

I bet your manager won't be too happy with you. Daniel You're right! He's going to read me the riot act when I get in. (Google)

When he was caught throwing stones at the windows, the principal read him the riot act. (Google)

The manager read me the riot act for coming in late. (Google)

registered post/recorded delivery


Send the photograph frames by registered post to Hampton Utilities (Birmingham) Ltd, 15 Pitsford Street, Hockley, Birmingham B18 6LJ (021-554 1766), explaining what needs to be done. (BNC)

Send written instructions to Harvard by registered post, and they'll have to heed them. (BNC)

Recorded delivery packets must not be dropped into a letter box. (BNC)

repeat oneself

opakovat se

Is there a point beyond which one is doomed to repeat oneself, because another re-invention means losing an established musical identity? (Google)

There, it seems that the more important one's reputation, the less one is challenged not to repeat oneself. (Google)

"I believe a volume of assorted love-letters would sell well," said the Girton Girl; "written by the same hand, if you like, but to different correspondents at different periods. To the same person one is bound, more or less, to repeat oneself." (Google)

ring true

byť pravdivý

The student's excuse for being late doesn't ring true. (Google)

Do you think that Mary's explanation for her absence rang true? (Google)

Does it not make a lot of sense because it rings true to our experience? (BNC)

roughly speaking

přibližně řečeno

Roughly speaking, square brackets in phonetic transcription are descriptive; slashes are prescriptive. (Google)

Roughly speaking, there are two fundamentally distinct kinds of democratic government: the simple rule of majority, despised by Plato but simplistically endorsed by many in the United States; and a constitutional democracy, in which the decisions of the majority of the moment are constrained by a set of rules aimed chiefly at protecting the rights of minorities, including freedom of speech and action. (Google)

I know people are going to say it depends but roughly speaking how much does an architect charge to draw up plans?(Google)


detailná správa, stručný prehľad

Hello, everyone. Williams and I will start by giving you a brief rundown. (Google)

Here's a run-down on/of the activities of our ten biggest competitors. (Google)

I must be away by eleven at the latest, though. We do the daily rundown tests then, and I must be there. (BNC)


saving account

sporiteľný účet

Both the introduction of new rules on how societies could raise funds for mortgage loans and the 1987 stock market crash -- which prompted small investors to get out of equities and put their money into building society saving accounts. (BNC)

Open a separate building society saving account. (BNC)

Increasingly it was reported that gold was being reconverted into cash, which was then deposited in new saving accounts offering high rates of interest. (BNC)

see eye to eye

souhlasit s někým

Not all married couples see eye-to-eye in terms of retirement planning. And, according to a recent
Fidelity Investments survey, only 38 percent of couples team up to tackle their retirement finances.(Google)

When you work with the public, you're going to come across people who have a different world view. Whether it be the war in Iraq, religion, who's running for local government, gay marriage, or general gossip, you may not always see eye to eye with your clients' point of view. (Google)

Newcomers and longtimers don't always see eye to eye but share a key goal. (Google)

shoot off one's mouth

vyjadřovat nepodložené názory, mluvit jako vševěd

It is never a good policy to shoot off one's mouth when knowing nothing of the facts. (Google)

Using such inelegant language is not nice for a public figure like him. To shoot off one's mouth and then apologize for it shows his crudity and insecurity. (Google)

The true mark of a person's maturity is not to shoot off one's mouth at something, but to understand and investigate it before stating your opinion. (Google)

shoot off your mouth

mlieť hubou

Did you shoot off your mouth and challenge Darren to a game? (Google)

Marco is always shooting off his mouth about how many languages he speaks. (Google)

Don't pay any attention to Bob. He's always shooting his mouth off. (Google)

shoot questions at somebody

někoho zahltit, bombardovat otázkami

It is the norm for reporters to shoot questions at ministers to seek answers for their reports but the reverse happened at a press conference Sunday. Energy, Water and Communications Minister fired questions at reporters instead. (Google)

When I buy my cars, I like to shoot questions at them they are not prepared for. It's fun to see them sweat! (Google)

He proceeded to shoot questions at me with a blistering speed, and not a word in English. After roughly 10 minutes he asked me to step into the examination room, where he proceeded to take my temperature and check my blood pressure. (Google)

Silence gives consent.

Kdo mlčí, souhlasí.

It occurs to me that one source of this phenomenon is the fact that in the blogosphere we assume that silence gives consent, while we do not assume this in the same way when we are talking face to face. (Google)

If “silence gives consent”, then let my voice be heard loud and clear by these various governments: I am a sovereign individual and your presidents, senators, congresspeople, and other functionaries do not represent me. (Google)

Silence gives consent. Scream and be heard! (Google)

slip of the pen

chyba v psaném projevu, přepsání se

Instead of correcting Keynes’s mathematics (which is right), the paper concludes that there has been a “slip of the pen” in his own description of these concepts. (Google)

Therefore, it is very inconvenient to use the conventional ballpoint pen if there is a slip of the pen which needs to be corrected or deleted. (Google)

According to Freud, there is a "psychology of errors"; that slip of the tongue or that slip of the pen become for Freud the clues to the secret functioning of the unconscious. (Google)

slip of the tongue


If you are going away, tell only those who need to know -- a slip of the tongue in the street, pub or corner shop could be overheard by the wrong sort. (BNC)

Don't remember that. Long time ago. Slip of the tongue. (BNC)

Much of the humour derives from slips of the tongue, an occupational hazard. (BNC)

small talk

všedný rozhovor

Henry cast his mind back to the small talk of a small town. (BNC)

A keen and powerful debater, he was not amused at the dreariness of the Executive's meetings, the small talk and the administration (never his strong point). (BNC)

She could not provide him with small talk, or prod him to abandon his silences. (BNC)

small/fine print

drobnotlač, drobné písmo

However, legal expenses insurance generally tends to be full of small print and exclusions. (BNC)

Other ITV stations will closely scrutinise the small print when further details are released in a few weeks. (BNC)

For their part, consumes should take reasonable care when making purchases; where there is small print it should be read carefully or, if it seems complex and the purchase involves a large sum of money, professional advice may be required. (BNC)

snail mail

listovní pošta (oproti elektronické)

One of the challenges we have to deal with in a virtual office environment is how to handle incoming snail mail. (Google)

Yet, for some reason, you still need regular snail mail for all kinds of pesky reasons that just don’t seem to go away. Among them is the fact that everyone seems to need a real address for real mail. (Google)

Many of the techniques and strategies used in post card or “snail mail” marketing are similar to e-mail marketing. (Google)

speak ill of somebody

hovoriť o niekom nepekne

Hey, you two. Don't speak ill of Evelyn. Especially when she's not here to defend herself. (Google)

I refuse to speak ill of any of my friends. (Google)

Max speaks ill of no one and refuses to repeat gossip. (Google)

speak in earnest

mluvit vážně, upřímně

"Hear me, and be assured that I speak in earnest. If you, and I mean all of you, do not come to the services tomorrow morning, and instruct your men to do likewise, then I shall leave you." (webcorp)

Well, to speak in earnest I cannot decide whether to blame marriage or age, but the fact is that I have grown a lot lazier. (webcorp)

After the waitress brought our coffee we began to speak in earnest. (webcorp)

speak out of turn

říct něco nevhodného či netaktního

When she continued to speak out of turn, the judge ordered court guards to remove her from the courtroom. (Google)

Perhaps most importantly, males with Fragile X usually have difficulty using speech and language in social contexts. They often seem unaware of conversational “clues,” such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. As a result, they may speak out of turn, fail to answer a question, or turn away because they aren’t sure what to do. (Google)

Showing people that it is OK to speak out of turn and say “this can be better” is so powerful. Them recognizing it on their own is even more powerful. (Google)

speak with a forked tongue

lhát, tvrdit jedno a myslet si druhé

People who speak with a "forked tongue" will forfeit others' trust, since no one likes to be tricked. (Google)

Don't speak with a forked tongue. In other words, don't say one thing to one person and something different to another person…don't be a liar! (Google)

Basically, lawyers are portrayed as slimy and cold-hearted predators who speak with a forked tongue. (Google)

spill the beans

vyzradiť tajomstvo

So who spilt the beans about her affair with David? (Google)

Where are you going? Come on. Spill the beans. (Google)

One of their number has just written a book questioning this kind of control and spilling the beans of angst rather as American and British feminist writers did in the Seventies. (BNC)

spill the beans (on someone)

vyzradit tajemnství, něco vyzvonit

So how about it gardeners - spill the beans to us! What kinds of beans have you tried and had good success with? (Google)

After dumping her twice, the actor wants to spill the beans and tell the most intimate secrets of their relationship in a tell-all book. (Google)

Residents at a County Durham traveller site have spilled the beans on some of their favourite traditional recipes. (Google)

stamping/stomping ground

rajón, terén

I spent an afternoon in Camden, my old stomping ground. (Google)

Like Banquo's ghost her figure would be seen haunting her old stamping ground. (BNC)

All of a sudden you're infringing upon his his stamping ground, his authority and he won't take it too kindly. (BNC)

sth sticks in one's throat

nebýt schopen něco vyslovit, sdělit

I have to say that it would stick in my throat to say, " I am done (with my homework) 'rather than 'I have done my homework'. (Google)

The promises would stick in my throat, the accoutrements would tarnish, the softness would become pliable and the power would turn to passivity. (Google)

They just stick in my throat. No matter what I do, it doesn't seem to get any easier to say that one, small phrase: "I need help." (Google)

stick to the point

držet se tématu

There's an art to getting your letter printed in a newspaper... stick to the point and don't use green ink. (Google)

Stick to the point. Make sure that your essay is directly relevant to the question asked. Although you will know a great deal more about the philosopher or topic at issue than your answer requires, it will be read only for information and/or argumentation that responds to the specific question. (Google)
Stick to the point. Write your CV in a straightforward and direct style – even if it means suspending normal rules of grammar. (Google)

strange to say

překvapivě, kupodivu

Strange to say but until this Wednesday the actress had never actually crossed my consciousness, but I was lucky enough to see the world premiere of her latest film at the Toronto International Film Festival. (Google)

Strange to say, swimming through rough water may actually be easier than swimming across a calm pond. (Google)

Strange to say, all the commenters are missing the source of the problem here. (Google)

strong language

silná slova, vulgarismy

Warning: this book contains strong language and descriptions of sex. (Google)

Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors). (Google)

These labels indicate that the recording may contain strong language or expressions of violence, sex or substance abuse. (Google)

sweet talk

komplimenty, (přehnaná) chvála

Although these forms of discourse all have their place, there is no type of conversation quite as effective as sweet talk. (Google)

If your conversational talents stalled in junior high, don't worry; you can learn. Here are five quick and easy ways to sweet talk women. (Google)

Outward beauty is not enough; to be attractive a woman must use words, wit, playfulness, sweet-talk, and laughter to transcend the gifts of Nature. (Google)


take it out on somebody

vylievať si zlosť na niekom

Well it certainly wasn't my fault so don't take it out on me. (Google)

I know you've had a bad day, but there's no need to take it out on me! (Google)

She wondered whether this was going a bit far and glanced up, surreptitiously, at her mother: her wasted evening had left her in a bad mood, and she was determined to take it out on somebody. (Google)

take on the chin

statečně přijmout kritiku

You are one of the few politicians to take on the chin without a spindoctor hovering between you and the public. (Google)

I believe we have to take on the chin the critics, but it is down to how strongly we believe in ourselves and how good I think the team is. (Google)

As I said, my goal is to work with testers to ensure our product is tested fairly and to then take on the chin whatever results they come up with. (Google)

take one at one's word

vzít někoho za slovo

If we take you at your word and your student proves to be significantly weaker than your letter, we won't trust your future recommendations. (Google)

One problem with cynicism is that many people will fail to understand your cryptic, clever meaning and take you at your word. (Google)

We can only take him at his word that he didn't read the report that he said he should have read. Admitting that he had read the report would be like admitting guilt. (Google)

take sth with a pinch of salt

brát něco s rezervou

And until then, every time Washington talks about human rights and democracy, we will have to take it with a pinch of salt. (Google)

A lot of office gossip is just that - gossip. It is filled with innuendo, rumours, errors and even deliberately malicious nonsense. Take it with a pinch of salt rather than reacting personally or defensively. (Google)

And more importantly, take it with a pinch of salt when whoever tells you that they have a 40+ year safety record to back up their product. (Google)

take the floor

převzít slovo (např. na konferenci)

Since this is the first time I take the floor under your Presidency let me first express to you my congratulations and best wishes for the success of your mandate. (Google)

The Chinese representative did not take the floor at the session. (Google)

Representatives of the Pilot courts are invited to take the floor in order to answer shortly to the questions mentioned above. (Google)

take the mickey

vodiť za nos

I expect she'll try and take the mickey out of you all right. (Google)

They used to take the mick out of him because of the way he walked. (Google)

I thought you were being serious - I didn't realise you were taking the mickey. (Google)

talk back to someone

někomu odmlouvat

Children who talk back usually do have one thing in common: They're trying to separate from their parents and exercise control over their lives. (Google)

Keep in mind that when kids talk back, something else is going on underneath. The goal is to help them express it constructively. (Google)

Kids are much more likely to stop talking back if they see it's ineffective in getting our attention. So refuse to continue the conversation until your child stops talking back - and be sure to do it every time. (Google)

talk big

chvástat se

The Republicans are already talking big about McCain's readiness to use the Web for organizing and fundraising in the general election. (Google)

I bet you would not be talking big if Kenny came up to your face. You would probably put your tail between your legs and run away. (Google)

Whether they are talking big or throwing their money in your face, their cockiness seeps out of their pores. Sometimes, people like this need to humble down. (Google)

talk out of the back of your head

plácat nesmysly

He is talking out of the back of his head ! What he says is so obviously not the case. (Google)

He was, of course, talking out of the back of his head. When you come to understand how Naperian Logarithms work, and gain an understanding of the Poisson Distribution, then you won't be fooled. (Google)

I also told her I might be talking out of the back of my head and that I wouldn't be offended if she ignored everything I said. (Google)

talk rot

plácat hlouposti

I like people to talk rot. It's man's only privilege over the rest of creation. (Google)

“Oh, don't talk rot, Joyce,” her mother said, holding the candle out in front and quickly looking at the foot of the stairs. “Of course I am not frightened. It is just that these steps are terribly dangerous. Come on now, hold my hand so you don't fall, and we'll see who's frightened.” (Google)

Just watch your mouth and don't let it talk rot which doesn't make sense. (Google)

talk shop

bavit se o práci (když má člověk volno)

The gathering offered a chance for fans of historic boats to talk shop, swap boatbuilding tips, eat barbecue and to mess about in all sorts of traditional craft. (Google)

Top percussion retailers talk shop: in a far-reaching roundtable, percussion dealers describe their best promotions, what customers want, and what industry suppliers could do to better serve the market. (Google)

(A headline) I have been thinking about why we think about thinking: do not ask philosophers to talk shop. (

tall order

veľké požiadavky

If the Government thinks this is a tall order, then the Daily Mail agrees with it. (BNC)

A tall order, but the price of failure could be the end of collective security for the West. (BNC)

This was a tall order for a system based on discretes and a simplified circuitry which would be easy for home construction (and to set up) without critical adjustments. (BNC)

tell off

napomínať, napomenúť

Telling people off activates a part of the brain linked to enjoyment and satisfaction, say scientists. (Google)

He has been told off before but he doesn't seem to have changed, hasn't he? (Google)

It's time someone told her off about her behavior. (Google)

that´s life!

to je život/taký je život

'All little things,' she said impatiently, blowing out a match. 'But not little. That is life.' (BNC)

Her steel needles flashed. It will all be new and strange. 'That is life,' said Mrs Rundle. (BNC)

And, looking back, we see Romance -- that subtle thing that is mirage -- that is life. (BNC)

the more, the merrier

čím viac, tým lepšie

With climbers, I've always believed in the more the merrier, but it's important to team up your plants so that one does not swamp and ruin another. (BNC)

'Then she can bring him with her.' He winked at Merrill. 'The more the merrier.' (BNC)

'Do you think they'll mix?' worried Larry, and she thought he meant the food but he meant the people. 'The more the merrier,' she smiled back, hugging the seventh guest to her. (BNC)

This is the life!

tak tomuto sa hovorí život!

'Oh goody goody,' said Malleson coming into the room at the same time . 'This is the life: stuff, stuff, stuff away all bloody day.' (BNC)

'This is the life.' The proctologist stretched his sunburned legs on the cockpit cushions and rested his head so he could stare past the bimini cover at the stars. (BNC)

Sparrows twittered and quarrelled, and paused to pick up crumbs right by Shelley's feet. `This is the life.' It was hard to remember being cold, rushed, flurried and upset. (BNC)

tittle tattle

táraniny, klebety

Well it sounds like office tittle tattle to me. I just don't believe it. (Google)

Have your heard the latest tittle tattle about Billy? (Google)

They know that tittle-tattle about the royal family helps to sell newspapers. (Google)

to coin a phrase

jak se říká, abych tak řekl

To coin a phrase, Chicago is hardly a change machine. (Google)

The Caribbean is, to coin a phrase, a community of communities, and its persistent and distinct identities are not going to melt away. (Google)

(A headline) R.Glenn Hubbard Coins a Phrase: "Nondestructive Creation". (Google)

to do somebody a favour

urobiť niekomu láskavosť

Belpan was outside the EC's sphere of influence so the Colonel was doing someone a favour. (BNC)

One day I return to these people, and this time I ask that they do a favour for me. (BNC)

A man doing a favour for someone was killed along with his young son. (BNC)

to drop a line

napísať niekomu

I intend also to drop a line to Norman too. (BNC)

If you've got a few minutes to spare you could always drop her a line. (Google)

We really do like hearing from you, so drop us a line and let us know how you are. (Google)

to place an order

objednať, zadať objednávku

The sales staff show these new releases to retailers who decide whether to place an order. (BNC)

To find out more or to place an order, return the coupon or ring the number below. (BNC)

Can I send you a sample now, or would you like to place an order straight away? (BNC)

to raise a question/an objection

dať/položiť otázku, vzniesť námietku

Member from an English constituency to raise a question on defence or any other matter -- And they do. (BNC)

Under Article 65 the party which invokes a ground for invalidity or termination must notify the other parties of its claim; each other party has the right to raise an objection and to invoke the measures for the peaceful settlement of disputes in Article 33 of the Charter. (BNC)

They may prefer to say nothing because to raise an objection may cause offence or may prolong the sales interaction. (BNC)

to the letter

do písmene, úplně, zcela

When such instructions were laid down, they were to be carried out to the letter. (Google)

I’m sure you are pressed for time, but if you can spare seven minutes please watch Chapter 3, which lays out how copyright law, if it were followed to the letter, would categorically outlaw a large category of artistic endeavours, namely those that involve a collage or remix of existing culture. (Google)

What I'm saying happens always and is repeated to the letter every time. All similar stories have this same ending. (Google)

tongue twister


If you're familiar with the basic Chinese numbers and the numbers, you're ready to try your first Chinese tongue twister. (Google)

Here is a tongue twister
I know that you'll like.
You can say it while walking
Or riding your bike.

See silly Shrek sulk sadly.
Shrek sang same silly songs softly. (Google)

Many tongue-twisters have two or three sequences of sounds, then the same sequences of sounds with some sounds exchanged, e.g. "she sells / sea shells". (Google)

touch base with

Do you have a number I can reach you at? Pat Not yet. I'll call to touch base with you this evening.(Google)

I'll try to touch base with you when I'm in Ohio. (Google)

Grayson favour between holidays with the club to Majorca, the girlfriend to Greece we also touched base with Simon Grayson. (BNC)

twist someone's words

překroutit něčí slova

The next time you try to twist someones' words to score scholastic points instead of to advance a coherent fact based argument I'll remind you that you cannot misrepresent yourself like that. (Google)

You do lie when you twist someones words or you tell only the part of the story you want everyone to hear. (Google)

Leaving parts of the conversation off can even twist someones words. So even if you show that "proof", it is highly questionable information. (Google)


under one's breath

šeptem, potichu

He whispered under his breath. “I am sorry, I can´t go on with this anymore.” (Google)

He lifted his head to look around the office, and cursed under his breath at his own arrogance and stupidity. (Google)

Uncle Len said something under his breath. I could not hear what it was but I knew it was something bad about his sister. (Google)

unemployment benefit

podpora v nezamestnanosti

They stopped my unemployment benefit. (BNC)

Anybody who earns between £12 and £43 in a given week may still be able to qualify for unemployment benefit on the days they are not working. (BNC)

However, they will have to satisfy unemployment benefit officers that part-time work is not their usual pattern, and they are just doing it while looking for full-time employment. (BNC)


Walls have ears.

Zdi mají uši.

Even the walls have ears, and that lady standing next to you tapping on her Blackberry might just be a reporter. (Google)

Do your walls have ears? It's a scary world out there, with a threat round every corner – and not just for characters in spy movies. (Google)

It is not good to speak of such things ... stone walls have ears. (Googlebooks)

We were just talking about you.

Právě jsme se o tobě bavili. (My o vlku..)

„Wow, funny you should come by just now, Charles, we were just talking about you. No, it was all good: we were just discussing the talk you gave." (Google)

In fact we were just talking about you the other day. Your ears were probably burning! (Google)

A Friend: "Hey! We were just talking about you!"
Me: "Oh...haha great. Do I want to know?"
Friend: "Oh we were just talking about how sweet you are and how anyone who doesn't get along with you must be pretty werid, because you're so easy to be around". (Google)

weigh one's words

vážit svá slova

So can you express yourself in 200 words? This is the maximum limit for a reflection. You have to weigh your words carefully. (Google)

Well here is a compilation of some reasons as to why you should always weigh your words before speaking.(Google)

Honestly, hot sexy sensual ladies are coming into hollywood by seconds, if she does not learn to weigh her words, she isn't staying for long. (Google)

well put

trefně, dobře vyjádřené

That's a well-put question. The short answer is: I don't think that in any previous Olympic Games there has been such a fixation on changing the host country. (Google)

Well put Colin. There are tremendous benefits to asking questions. (Google)

Well put. Which is the "Old Europe" and which the "New"? Perfect question. You couldn't have invoked those designations in a more appropriate context. (Google)

What's the magic word?

Jak se říká? (pobídka dětem aby poděkovaly nebo poprosily)

When my children asked for something, such as asking for ice-cream after dinner, I'd ask, “what's the magic word?” When he said “please”, he got ice-cream. (Google)

When I ask you, "What's the 'magic word'?", you say "Please". Got it? (Google)

The authors analyzed parental strategies for enforcing the production of politeness forms by their children (eg. what do you say? what's the magic word?). (Google)

whatever you say

je mi to jedno

Should we have Japanese or American food? Whatever you say! (Google)

We'll go in your car, Billy. --- ' Whatever you say'. (Google)

Whatever you say, of course, I 'm no judge of these things. (BNC)

Who do you think you are talking to?

S kým si myslíš, že mluvíš?

Gail looked at the child, and said sternly, "Who do you think you are talking to?! The child sheepishly looked down, and replied, "My shoe". (Google)

Who do you think you are talking to? Calm down and behave yourself! (Google)

Wait, who do you think you are talking to? You forget I make the rules here, do you? (Google)

won't budge/give an inch

nikdy neustúpi, nechce ustúpiť

'He never gives an inch,' he thought bitterly, not knowing that Jonadab was just as anxious over Elizabeth's labour as he was. (BNC)

Neither side wanted to give an inch but there was no unpleasantness either. (BNC)

Once on the ground again she tried pulling the horse, but still it would not budge an inch. (BNC)

word for word

doslovně, slovo od slova

The word for word translation, transliteration and summary of the contents will go a long way in understanding not only the beauty of the language and diction but also enjoy the rasas of ragas and the moods. (Google)

Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. (Google)

A word-for-word example of plagiarism is one in which the writer directly quotes a passage or passages from an author's work without the use of proper quotation marks. (Google)


yackety-yack ( yak )


My stomach's right out of patience. Why don't you stop that yackety-yack and feed me before I die of hunger. (Google)

I tried in vain to close my ears to their yackety-yack and go on with my work. (Google)

Come in this house, stop all that yackety yack. (Google)

you can say that again

hovor mi o tom niečo..., úplne s tebou súhlaím

In this so-called affluent society of ours folks buy new stuff, they don't want this reconditioned rubbish.' You can say that again,' said Wexford, thinking of Cullam. (BNC)

That was an absolutely delicious lunch.You can say that again! (Google)

'He starts all right,' said Charles,' but he can't keep it up.' You can say that again. (BNC)

you haven´t lived

nevieš, čo je život!

And you say you've never lived anywhere sort of similar to the flats? You 've not lived. (BNC)

You haven't lived until you have found something to die for. (Google)

You haven't lived here until you've celebrated Michigan Week. (Google)

you name it

všetko, čo ťa len napadne

Then I stood and drooped everything; my head, ears, tail. You name it, I drooped it! (BNC)

I've tried just about every diet there is going, you name it and I've done it. (Google)

What would you like? Gin, vodka, lager, wine? You name it, we've got it. (Google)

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